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Etiquette for Follow feature

Hi All,

This site allows you to follow people. How do you use that feature? Is it for people you’ve come to know well, people you hope to know, people who’ve said a few interesting things?

If somebody follows you, should you follow them back (at least for a while)?

I didn’t want to post a poll so you wouldn’t be limited in your answers.

PhitDoctor50 7 Jan 14

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I follow people who make points I agree with, and will follow people who make points I don't agree with provided those points are well thought out. Plus anyone who follows me, unless they're especially dull and/or fascist/racist/homophobic/transphobic/sexist etc etc etc.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 16, 2018

I am a creepy lurker who will follow anything that gives off the faintest whiff of being interesting. I will sometimes comb through a person's post/comment history looking for other nuggets. I will occasionally revisit a profile just to see if it's changed any. I prefer to keep my communications on the forums; very rarely will I be moved to message someone privately.

I don't give any thought to what people think when I follow them, or vice versa. I'm not a fan of arbitrary systems of etiquette regarding online activities. I think of it like a box of tools: we all know what they do and what they're for, generally--but we don't have to use them in the same ways. As long as you're not smashing up my stuff I don't care what you do, and I'd appreciate the same consideration.


Somehow I have 30 people following me. Male and female. Some I have become friends with and message on regular basis. Some I've never talked to. I only have followed a few current friends.


Following is informal, based on what you like to read. I enjoy humor and will often follow people whose posts have made me laugh. You do not have to know the followee or ask permission, and those following you don't either.

Zster Level 8 Jan 15, 2018

Just started I’m glad to see this question. I’m still getting accustomed to online communities, in general. Lol


I follow when someone posts or comments in a manner that catches my attention. 🙂


I have followed a few people but i never get notified of their posts or anything else?! Does this feature even work?

Click the cog icon in the upper right of the screen to go to your profile page, then click on the "settings" tab. Then click the purple button that says "Pick Alerts." The setting toggle is there.

@BackToReality somewhere I have "followed" several cool people, but I never get a notification that they have new it because I run android?

@AnneWimsey You can still get the notifications. Here are the directions for finding them in a mobile browser: Click on your profile picture, and then select "My Settings" from the drop-down menu. There are 4 menu boxes, one of which says "Settings." Click on Settings. Then click on the purpose "Pick Alerts" button. Scroll down to "Someone you follow makes a post of asks a question" and enable website alerts (and email alerts if you want).


I follow people that have put up interesting posts or responses or have asked me questions. I don't put to much thought into it seeing that I'm not really being followed around lol


I follow if I generally like someone’s posts. It does not matter to be followed back if you follow or are followed. Following is for the person following, not the person making the posts in my opinion.


I follow people if I like the type of stuff they post and want to make sure I don't miss any. And if someone follows you, I don't see any reason to follow them back unless you want to see all the stuff they post, too. At least, as far as I've seen, all that following does is give you the option of getting notifications when that person creates a new post.


I sometimes look at who is following me. I follow people when I like their viewpoint. Supposedly when they post you are notified. I am not sure how well that is working yet

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