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This is a light hearted post. When my Dad was on a strict diet 40 yrs ago he couldn't drink alcohol so he started smoking weed. Has anyone ever gotten high with a parent(s)?

sassygirl3869 9 Jan 16

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I got high with my aunt and older cousins when all of us were adults. The things I learned about my folks. ?


Not with my folks, but with an aunt and uncle. He recently passed away from ALS - when he got his diagnosis he started smoking weed (more) with his kids, my cousins, and I'd join them. It was a great bonding experience, especially the part about dropping pretense and enjoying each others' company as adults


My daughter has.


I have gotten high with one of my kids.


I don't partake, but my x's great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and father all light up.


I didn't smoke with her because I wanted her to smoke it all, but I got a joint from a friend of mine for my Mom to smoke to help her get her appetite back when she had cancer. It did help a little.

Thats nice @Paul628. Thats when I started again. Waiting for my medical approval.

@sassygirl3869 I hope it helped you too.


Not high as such but the old man and I got wasted on ale and whisky a time or two. He was a bloody good laugh,best times ever . He could tell a good tale especially about the war he lived in London during the blitz . Happy days.


Not high as such but the old man and I got wasted on ale and whisky a time or two. He was a bloody good laugh,best times ever . He could tell a good tale especially about the war he lived in London during the blitz . Happy days.


My dad tried some of my moonshine when I started making my own. I'm sure i was close to 150%. He took a sip and almost exploded. I told you this is some good stuff. Why don't you listen to I loved it. Seeing him gag.


I have got high with my sons. Even been on mushroom trips with them


Not my parents… Though myself and friends all seemed drawn to a friends place who’s mom would ‘smokeout’ with us. She wasn’t in good health, and actually had glaucoma, but just listening to someone’s parent while high was ..a treat! The conversations went so much deeper than music, cars or food...

My parents could never have chanced losing control to that degree, and I can’t honestly say I’d have wanted to experience that … though dad got fun after a drink or two, but rarely drank. ...yup, I’d love to sit down at Kelly's kitchen table right now 🙂

Varn Level 8 Jan 16, 2018

Yes. I got my mother when I was 15. It was hilarious.


I really wish I'd been able to with my mother. It might have improved our relationship.


Yes, I have. My mother. I came home one evening ripped as my habit was just beginning to form. I thought that maybe I had fooled her when I first started coming home like that. But on like the 3rd occasion ever, she came into the room with this really cool bong and ask to see what I've been smoking.


no Way


No. I used to with old friends.


I tried it a few years ago, I was not a fan. It was not a bad experience, I just wasn’t impressed. But back when it was shiny and new, I was really surprised that one of my dads, who I’m honest with, smoked pot, and he asked me to join him for a toke in the backyard next to the loft. We talked like we knew what we were saying hahaha, good bonding experience I thought. Might do it again someday.


No, but I have with my kids. All three of them.

I now get high with my 22 yr old daughter and her boyfriend who live with me.

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