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It’s so great to know there are others out there who also question the status quoπŸ™‚

JillIversen 3 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Did not even know quo has indentured servants. If someone could sneak in on a platform like one that Congress was trying to give them selves a raise. Something like any government official are only permitted to own something 1% of oil futures. The price of gas would drop drastically people would not have to spend their lives working 2 or 3 jobs just so they could afford groceries.


That's how we got here. The others are in FB.


Status quo of what?

β€œReligious” status quo πŸ™‚


Yup, lots and lots and lots of others...


I am telling all the people I trust about this great site... Lots to learn and maybe teach a thing or two...

The ones you don't trust seem to be taught a thing or two. πŸ˜‰ just sayin'

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