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Anyone get married to the same person twice?


atheist 8 Jan 17

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Nope.... I screwed up the first marriage. She screwed up the second marriage. I'm hanging on to this marriage . That means no . I won't

@atheist. I'm on


not me, but a neighbor did, he had been married 5 times, 3 of his wives were Japanese, and one of them he married (and divorced) twice.


fuck no. make a mistake once its a mistake. do it twice it's your fault.


No, she isn't going to change.


I certainly want to believe it’s possible. The idea of investing the time and trust that has led me to get married twice seems insurmountable. It’s too easy to think getting married to the same person would be easier. Knowing from experience it takes just as much work starting with what caused the split for the first time. Hoping this reads logicallly! 🙂


Meh, she's evil, so I think it worked out for the best


Yes, my daughter married her ex-2 times. It did not last! Why? That would be complicated to answer. I would say, she might know now after being married for 28 yrs to another man...but, we haven't brought it up in years! I kept trying to return to my ex, off and on for 5 (wasted) years. I now believe, that you can't go back! At least it is rare...


Nope. It is bad enough to have to be be amicable with the father of my children, no way I'd consider remarrying him. And my first ex, ewwww. That was one of the stupidest mistakes I ever made. Luckily I was young and had plenty of time to recover. No children with him, he's only a bad memory.


Ick. Nostalgia is just your brain’s way of tricking you into thinking things were better than they were. Hell naw.


Seen it happen. Also saw a couple that got divorced and continue living together.... just didn't wanted to go thru while they were pissed so they could break camp and leave. Don't know if still together. There was a time our children will worry if me and my ex wife will have dinner together or go to a movie or go dancing.... There was always the question.... what are you guys doing? And when together we looked like a couple but no boundaries crossed. When a woman tells you if you break my heart a third time I will Kill you. You have to believe it.

@atheist Most men murdered by their wife or ex wife... were warned several times and they didn't fucking listened until they heard the Bang.


My dad did. Pretty sure it was out of a sense of obligation due to the inevitable arrival of my half-sister. It didn't end well. I wouldn't recommend it

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