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An irate mother throws a BF when her atheist son confess to being an atheist. The funny thing about this video is that she seems to forget the true roots of the Christmas holiday, which is by far about Jesus Christ.

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 19

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I find this typical... that's the sad part.

Hutch Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

Well that was surely "christ-like" right? People like this woman is why religion is losing their hold on everything. When religion does finally die, then the world will be a much better place. I know quite a few religious people, but none of them act like this, shouting and threatening others. None of the religious people I know are threatened by my non belief. There are a lot of people who believe in a god, and they are not snobs or hypocrites. Then there are others that are like the woman in this video. I hope their ranks keep dying off....

Me too!


That's why I like the South Park song "Merry Fucking Xmas!"


I hate Christmas.... period.


When identity and personal value is tied to the doctrine's of a religion, any threat of failure diminishes their standing within that community. It's not about the message of peace on earth and goodwill to all. It's about the loss of a member and who is blamed.

Betty Level 8 Jan 19, 2018



Forgetting what Christmas is all about and cursing her head off.

How Christ-like of her, huh? Lol.


The holiday based on winter solstice


Glad I've never had to go through that.


Many of us have been there 😟

Admin Level 9 Jan 19, 2018
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