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Religious Shit

Taoism Shit happens.

Buddhism If shit happens, it's not really shit.

Islam If shit happens, it's the will of Allah.

Protestantism Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.

Judaism Why does this shit always happen to us?

Hinduism This shit happened before.

Catholicism Shit happens because you're bad.

Hare Krishna Shit happens rama rama.

T.V. Evangelism Send more shit.

Atheism No shit.

Jehovah's Witness Knock knock, shit happens.

Hedonism There's nothing like a good shit happening.

Christian Science Shit happens in your mind.

Agnosticism Maybe shit happens, maybe it doesn't.

Rastafarianism Let's smoke this shit.

Existentialism What is shit anyway?

Stoicism This shit doesn't bother me.

Gatovicolo 8 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Solipsistic Shit, "It's ALL my Shit."


All that shit and no colons. 😀 A miracle!



Mirth Level 4 Jan 20, 2018

Science: Animal waste is a recurring phenomenon. Study it. Quantify it. Give it a name.

Lol. We're all animals and there is a lot of crap to be dealt with. Not long ago the dung beetle was introduced to Australia and the fly problem does seem to have noticeably decreased.


Someone sent that to my FaceBook a couple of years ago. It's good sh*t , very well put if you know what I mean.


It's funny shit cuz it's true.


Paganism: Shit happens. Light a candle.


Religion- bullshit


That’s some good shit, man.

skado Level 9 Jan 19, 2018

That’s awesome!


Where did you find this Rob? LOL.

I was looking through lists of atheists jokes.

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