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They are such bigots to support him.


Fucking frightening.


Again tRUMP does/asks someone to do something illegal, preach from the pulpit to support republicans. BUT, NOBODY EVER DOES ANYTHING ABOUT ALL HIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES so he continues, thinking he is getting away with it and he is.

Mueller is working on it, and links to Putin with evangelical leaders have also recently been exposed.

@birdingnut I sincerely hope Mueller lets it out soon, before November would be a great help. Also, just wondering why evangelicals would have anything to do with the godless Russia. There must be money or power in it somewhere.

@starwatcher-al Like the article said, the evangelicals felt that Putin had same agendas as their own..stopping LGBTQ people from gaining legal rights, stopping abortion, plus they admired Putin's authoritarian way he suppressed all opposition.

The republicans interpret the Constitution they was they want it to read and not the correct way. Yet they see themselves as protectors of the Constitution.

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