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Hahaha! Yes, ok, I'll take this video essay seriously.

And because name calling is allowed, I'll say that he sounds like an angered snowflake.

Yay! More power to him. There's nothing like freeing one's self from this oppressive feminist rule - with facts!


Ouch! I give....


Interesting video. As a feminist I have mixed feelings.


Feminists don't hate men.

@M121 I'm curious, how would you react to this statement: "in all recorded history, the majority of women were second class citizens."

Consider that the likes of Cleopatra, Margaret Tatcher, Julia Gillard, or any female leader are a very small fraction in number compared to ALL women since recorded history.

Then consider the times when we were hunter-gatherers. Would you tend to believe that, maybe, women were 2nd class peoples, too - even in matriarchal cultures?

@M121 I'm a feminist, I don't hate men. Therefore all feminists don't hate men.Some men I hate, but not all. All generalizations are generally false.

@M121 What? You don't believe that women were second class citizens for most of history? Can we please list the date of when women could vote in the U.S.? I'm not even going that far in history.

What about in today's times? Can you prove that generally (not one-offs, but generally) women's salaries are equal to or better than men's salaries?

And you're right, History is written by the winners. How many male historical figures (leaders, scientists, authors, etc.) can you name without research? How many female historical figures?

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