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After years of growing up with religion, being a follower and even running away from a pseudo Christian cult. I can honestly say and I'm sure you all know, that religion is merely a way of controlling the mass populations. I believe in the vibrational power of the universe and that we all have the power within to be 'god like'. That those believers, when they pray, are merely raising their own level of vibration and attributing it to their god.
Any thoughts?

Asset 2 Jan 21

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I think the modern religions or any religions will try and control the masses and don't like it when people walk a different course

ericg Level 4 Feb 8, 2018

Regarding Cults, I’ve found the following podcast series ..tragic []

I doubt you’re going to get much agreement on the vibration hypothesis around here, myself included. ..I spent time with the neighborhood dog today, she’s aware of many things I’m not! But why do ‘I’ need to have the answers a dog doesn't? Do my abilities or direction of evolution make me so different, so superior? How about insects, they’ve been around far longer ... and will no doubt outlast humanity…
I’ve met some who feel the need to ‘counter’ one religious view with another, and view the admission of ‘not knowing’ as weak or invalid. It’s not, it’s actually the more advanced thinking. We don’t need to know so bad that we begin making stuff up…

That said, the last I ‘thought I understood’ of String Theory were 12 sets of open-ended strings each vibrating at a different frequency - thus making up the basis for 12 differing dimensions. And, that gravity spread between those dimensions equals it’s weaker force in our ‘one’ (mathematically verifiable though currently unprovable). If close, wonderful! If not quite ‘the answer,’ OK, too - let’s keep looking! But those in need of ‘knowing someone’s in charge,’ then ‘making up that someone’ is not an explanation or an answer.

Varn Level 8 Jan 21, 2018

I believe that it is energy, or vibration! That is if 'everything' goes some WHERE and does something? Doesn't energy create weather? Lightening? Isn't it an energy field that keeps our heart pumping? Something, sure does!!


Might sound good -- but I'm, not sure what you mean by vibrations. Is this a new age thing or the Beach Boys thing?

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