A recent post got me to thinking about the one time I ALMOST told someone; via a Facebook comment; that I hoped they got a** raped by their own handgun. Thinking about how we can all "snap".
Online I truly try to be above ridiculous arguments. I go around posting things like, "promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate" and "only love can drive out hate"... that sort of optimism.
And there I was.... about to suggest forcible anal penetration with an object.... to a stranger. Who was this woman (me)? I'd been triggered... button pushed. Here is the situation:
A friend of a friend commented on facebook something along the lines of.... women would never get raped if we were all armed. And I replied that was good and well for a conscious person... but what about the poor girl who is assaulted while unconscious. side note I was raped while unconscious at a party when I was 16
So this guy proceeds to say any girl unconscious at a party deserves to get raped if she is that stupid... drinking in excess. I suggest young girls don't deserve to be raped even if their choices were not the brightest.......he says something like anyone who has been raped is stupid.......I bring up helpless child victims.... he blames the parents and claims his gun wielding manness would prevent any future children of his from ever being victims.....I said something to the effect I hope he never had to watch someone he loves go though the pain of sexual assault...... and here was the proverbial straw..... he said, "I will never know because I will never be with someone who has been raped....because I don't date stupid bitches"
And that's when I typed the words.... that I hoped he got drugged in a bar unknowingly then taken into an alley and a** raped with his own handgun........
I don't really know the girl who typed that. But she is in me.
Then I hit backspace a lot.... breathed deeply for a minute.... and succinctly said I had to leave the discussion because I was getting upset. And again stated that I hoped he never knew.... never had to find out what that felt like.
AND I was upset for........ well I still hate that stranger. I remember his name. Can't forget.... AND I hate him. And I kind of wanted him to get hurt.......
What really bothers me are people who insist on denying that climate change is real. What's the point in denying it? I don't see how anyone could possibly benefit from denying global warming. If anything, the idea of global warming has caused many of us to think more responsibly about the earth that we live on. People are inspired to pollute less, recycle more, search for less damaging energy sources, invest in solar and wind power, all of which benefit humanity. Why would anyone be against that? Especially when there's so much evidence that solidly confirms that climate change is a fact. But even if climate change was a hoax, cleaning up the earth and reducing our carbon footprint is still a good thing, right? Yet somehow, there are people who are still against that sort of thing. It's got to be the stupidest form of stubbornness, possibly stupider than Christian fundamentalism.
Neglect & abuse of innocents.
the ongoing destruction of our planet.
I feel your pain. what a nasty experience this must have been.
he clearly revealed himself quite in the beginning as a (potential) rapist, saying that someone "deserves to get raped". that would have been the point where communication became impossible in my eyes. a man, stating that there is such a thing as a DESERVED RAPE is too fuckin angry to have a mature conversation with.
try not to get reeled in by emotionally disturbed black holes who lack all empathy in the future.
my personal fave triggers are when someone jumps on a high horse & starts listing my psychological deficiencies without emotionally seeing me. I might still crack then.
Any type of offense to us can make us snap and do the unthinkable... and because of that we try to be civil and behave. I will always remember this Ugly case that a thief was caught trying to break into a house by men in the house who just arrived at that moment. he was captured and with the same long screwdriver he was trying to break in... he was sodomized and taken to a police station... the thief died in the holding cell due the damage done to his inside. Also heard of another break and entry that the thief got tortured with with a hot flat iron. What I will do if I caught anyone doing something to one of my women? Including mother, wife, partner, sisters, cousins, daughters, friends, lover etc, etc, etc. Death sometimes is too easy of a way out and thus comes a permanent removal ala movie Sin City.
I admit it , I go hard on these sorts of folks. Now, I don’t LOOK for it ... but certainly if I come across it , I take full advantage. For example, I would have mentioned to that “guy”... well interesting to note, next time you and your buddies are in the garage partying ... you know in your man cave, and you pass out from funneling beer... your male buddies are free to use your body orifices as they see fit right ? They could just put a bag over your head and pretend it’s a chick anyway right?.. and you can’t even be MAD at them “.... .... ok seriously though, I hate that you’ve had something awful happen .. and of course it makes sense when some tool brings up a similar scenario, we will have an almost visceral reaction. I can only say how I personally handle these things... and I definitely don’t “hold back” , I have zero problem shaming the crap out of stupid humans.
And I have no issue with those who stand up unapologetically for what is right in this world, and I certainly knew he was wrong on every level....just goes against my nature to be negative and cruel even when they deserve it. Something for me to find a compromise with perhaps. I guess people like you end up fighting the good fight for people like me
Awww... I definitely am “that bitch”.... I have found in my 44 years, that there ARE times to “fight fire with fire” .. people like that , who will even SAY that in the first place, unfortunately, do not respond to sympathy or empathy. I’ve had some people say , oh Heidi , it’s beneath you to respond in kind. I simply disagree, I am the bully who fights actual bullies. I don’t think it’s negative or cruel to shame or school these jackasses. I totally understand your position though!@LuciMP
@HeidiBC Sometimes I do wonder when "fight fire with fire" is applicable...I overthink things and try to determine if I am going to help anything or make anything better....always deciding that the answer is no....but in the end the honest answer may be that I am just scared to death of confrontation. And honestly sometimes I am a pushover and I don't stand up much..... I almost can get physically ill thinking about fighting/arguing. I used to have to leave the room when my ex-husband was watching Dateline...because they would approach people on the street and confront them lol. I am a big baby.
Awwww I wish I could just use osmosis to show you just how fantastic it is when you speak your mind. It’s not always appropriate or proper or correct even, but we are flawed and merely humans... I use my gift of quick Witt and zero fucks about what other people think to make the world a little better by defending those who need defending... and to be fair , I don’t think it’s having some huge impact , but I do know, that speaking up for yourself , speaking the truth of your convictions is never a bad thing to do.you might find, that sort of “practicing” in the context you mentioned originally, may help you.. I know that sounds odd, but in those situations you can literally just clIck out of the app and it ceases to exist for you... practice, practice , practice.. I for one have immense faith in good people doing great things! @LuciMP
Perfect example: strictly on practice with the stupid in the interwebs.... if you don’t know the person, you have no connection with them, I only give my respect to people who I deem worthy. I can easily determine superficial unworthiness by the stupid spewing in the comment, so that being the case, all bets are off, if I don’t know you or respect you, you are irrelevant and don’t exist to me.hence my wrath is well deserved and may at Least make the person think twice before being stupid... @LuciMP
Questions and Answers.
Haha Well crap.
So dig it. That conversation would have made any rational person a bit nuts and I would never (probably) say what you almost said to him. That said, I just want you to know that in the history of "The internet just broke someone's mind" comebacks, that would have been priceless.
Lol I usually SAY it.... I can’t even lie and it ..
Trumpublicans posting propaganda that is really easy to disprove and racially motivated, while claiming not to be racist. Or the most unchristian posts by people who claim to be Christians - hypocrites are toxic waste. Generally I get set off when hate, greed, or ignorance is expressed as appropriate in the mounting flood of propaganda I have the misfortune to see.
I get red in the face with anger when someone tries to tell me that an established, proven fact is not true, and told "Well, that's your truth." Just kills me.
Sorry to hear about your experience as a sixteen year old. It's not hard to figure out why your buttons were pushed with this idiot. When dealing with someone who has a poor grasp of logic, and keeps moving the goalposts in a debate, I politely state that I'm leaving the conversation. Cuz I know there's no talking sense to them.
Then I take a few deep breaths...
Okay, your previous post about this makes much more sense to me now. Just had to see it from a slightly different angle.
Tell me I'm wrong. yawn
Tell me I'm stupid. Meh.
But: even give off the slightest suggestion that I don't have the right to think and feel as I do? It's jihad, motherfather!
Child abuse, sexual, verbal, physical or emotional. I had a crappy childhood and I have zero tolerance for abusing children. Someone advocates corporal punishment..... that really gets under my skin.
I'm very sorry this happened to you, @LuciMP, and please accept my admiration for your survivorship.
It's easy to see how that sort of a comment would trigger you that way. And good for you for taking that deep breath and using your backspace key.
I'm finding that a few things that led up to my own recent pains are sore subjects for me. I try to avoid those conversations or if the conversation turns into that territory, I absent myself from them. I generally save that sort of discussion for people I feel closer to and have some level of trust with. I'm trying to venture out to explore that territory carefully, to push myself emotionally and confront things, specifically to gain some control over those feelings, to make those subjects not about me specifically.
When I figure out how to do that, I'll be sure to let you know. Not exactly all the way there yet!
Thank you!!!!
Well... you mentioned hand guns... I own them. Did you not like her answer on hand guns. If you have an opinion and want to share it... well that's ok. But if an argument don't go your way... then it's time to back off... we all have our things that push our buttons but name calling in hear don't fly.
I have nothing against guns, but I find unrestricted access to them without merit. For example, the ability for a diagnosed and formerly hospitalized person who has a record of suicide attempts being allowed to buy a 9mm. Personal experience.
@Gatovicolo. Yeah that sucks for some people.... my father n law took a hand full of pills. He's got cancer and is ready to go. Brother n law knew about the DNR and never told the ambulance. Old pops was pissed. Here's my take on killing yourself. Get your stuff in order to help those that care about you and then be on your way, ButTry not to make a mess all over the place so others want have to clean it up. Now the old guys on hospice and he's really unhappy about it. I really sympathize with what others may want. But if an old person wants to check out... thats ok with me. The wife and i had a talk abiut this and when the time comes....
If she was of sound mind, yes. She was nuttier than a fruit cake with walnuts. She wasn’t able to think rationally. @BucketlistBob
@Gatovicolo. I see.