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who the f,,,k is is colin napkin ? i bought some trainers 10 yrs ago but when i go to work i wear SHOES , what is it with trainers ?


Was he standing to show respect for the image of the American Flag on that building, or did he turn his back on it? I know, I'll go to facebook and find out the truth. 🙂


I normally don't give a damn about athletic apparel, and I know that part of this is just a marketing gimmick, but I think I will make a point of buying Nike in the future when I'm in the market for such things.

dkp93 Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

Buy a pair of Levi's too while you're at it... []

@Alvingo1 Only if they start making these! ??? (But seriously, I'm impressed Levi's is taking a stand. I like the paid volunteer time they will give employees.)

@dkp93 Those baggy jeans take me back to MC Hammer and Hammer Time!!!


Hilarious! Thanks for posting this Saturday Night Live skit.


I LOVE this ad.

Thank you, Colin Kaepernick! Bravo!

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