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When do you feel safe to talk about your beliefs/nonbeliefs?

Does anyone else feel like that one kid who knows Santa isnt real, but understands they have to let the other kids find out for themselves so they play along? I've noticed that some atheists will out themselves casually (even abrasively) and others are slightly more concerned with preserving the houses of cards that the people around them have constructed, saving their atheological discussion for private. Is it better to be 100% honest about conviction in there not being a god, or is it more respectful to be evasive so that you keep it to yourself? What balance do you find to be the most respectful of yourself and of others?

Savethebees 3 Sep 6

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All the time. But I never really bring it up.
It's not a major focus in my life.


The power of logic, clarity, and wisdom from an atheistic stance, has given me the strength to counter any attempts to intimidate.


The power of logic, clarity, and wisdom from an atheistic stance, has given me the strength to counter any attempts to intimidate.


Where I currently live? Pretty much never. I've had too many people show me outright hostility when they learn that I do not subscribe to their religion.


The topic seldom arises where I live. I don't conceal my unbelief but don't offer it up either, as in general, that would be TMI.

I've never felt "unsafe" being "outed" but most people seem indifferent to what I do or don't believe, and I like that just fine.


Not really, but it's not to keep up a facade. Casual acquaintances don't really care, and it's not important enough for me to be a pivotal aspect of my introductions. My friends know, but again most care more about other things

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