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Love is it real

More or less how do find someone to love? It seems like nowadays it gets rarer and rarer to find? Thoughts please

Hardtounderstand 2 Sep 7

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For me? About as obtainable as me reaching the top of Everest. I don't know... it sounds good on paper though.


tinder grindr etc and hard work or pure happenstance


I talk forever and people go on and on about love. It all sounds good and has something in what they say that we can identify with. In the end love is nothing more than a decision. Due to qualities that we see and share we accept and have decided to "love" each other and one another. In personal feelings of a couple who love each other a sense of smell plays a big part also.


The reality is that what works for you likely won't work for someone else or viceversa, let alone that most of the time we may keep looking at the wrong places


I feel the same way. I'm not sure if love exists anymore. I think it's more applicable if you're a young attractive breeder, and even then it won't last.

The young breeder is just hormones and DNA

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