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Are you more open and honest online than in person?

Over 50,000 people were surveyed. Here’s what they found: 60% of respondents in the U.S. said they were more honest with their online friends than with friends they see in person. The survey also found that people are more open on the internet and the majority of the world prefers to discuss their sex life with online friends. In my experience, I have found that online friendships facilitate a frankness that is rare in face-to-face interactions.


What about you? Do you find that you tend to be more honest and open with online friends than with friends you hang out with in person?

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VictoriaNotes 9 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on the company.


I think I am just as open in person or online. However, I think I’m more vocal online. Well obviously vocal isn’t the right word. I express myself more frequently online. That sounds better. I’m really the same guy at the store or on the sidewalk as I am online. Quality unchanged, quantity increased online.


Online is ALL bullshit


I'm pretty honest in both scenarios. I try to be frank and to the point at the best of my ability both online and in person; though my lack of eloquence makes it a bit difficult.


With me, what you see is what you get. I am truthful both ways. Also, I don't tell all I know. Somethings are better unsaid.


I'm the same in all situations.


I am the same.


Nope. I am a pathological liar and never tell the truth anyway.

But I could be lying about that...... 🙂


No, I am just as open in person as on-line. People can ask me anything, anytime (except for the obvious things like SS#, obviously) and get a completely honest answer...However, I do warn people that they might not care for my answer in a lot of cases. I have no secrets, and with a little careful detective work someone could find out anything they wanted to know about me anyway...


Oh, @VictoriaNotes, your situation makes me feel downright lucky. I’m sorry it’s been so alienating for you, and I hope new (better) friends come into your life to compensate for the shallow, judgmental ones you lost.

I’m a pretty private person whether online or offline. I tend to have a lot of acquaintances but very few close friends. Only one IRL friend knows where the bodies (and the unedited conversations about sex) are buried. However, in that small sampling of close friends are people I’ve met online who are cross-over: we eventually met IRL.

I think “online” is an awfully broad term. To me, there’s a difference in exposing every inner thought on Facebook than there is in opening up in a forum such as this one.

@VictoriaNotes What a fantastic quote, Victoria! I have several people that I’m sharing it with right now.

Years ago, I joined Goodreads for a book club and ended up in a private group of like-minded women who also weren’t religious, were raising free-thinking children, and found the world exciting instead of the “different is suspect” attitude I found locally. I’m lucky that, even if it took searching them out from around the world, I had found them.

My daughter has followed in my footsteps and has an extensive network of friends worldwide, and technology has improved so that it’s even easier for her. I wish I’d had this opportunity when I was an alienated high school student. It would have helped to know I wasn't alone.


Me is me - no matter where.

In fact a couple people I met from online sources, said I spoke like I write - only funnier.

I liked that. (smile)


I'm not any less open in person.


I'm pretty much the same from what I can tell...people online say I ask too many questions and people irl say the same thing lol


I think that is true for me in many relationships, primarily because in my personal friendships I do not want to run the risk of losing them, well, most of them, anyway because of being too frank. Whereas, there is not as much invested with online relationships, which are usually more like acquaintences.


The only reason I chose this is the word "tend". I do have close friends I can discuss things I wouldn't normally share with others. Being somewhat of an introvert it's easier to think of what I am saying than to do so spontaneously.


Hmmmm... great article! This is my main social media. I have an RV forum I ask guys questions on how to fix things. I would probably just stay with this one if I became single... I'm just to set in my ways to reach out to a person and get close with them. I'm an old fogey. Lol... I would probably start gold mining or looking for crystals to sell.


In face-to-face friendships, my honesty and frankness will depends on the person, but if I was to compare the person I am most honest with, then for me it's 49-51 in favour of on-line. What I will say is that it's easier to be open on-line thanks to the semi anonymity you get in this environment. And as someone said, having the chance to edit a response is a huge plus.


I am what you read here or see in person...crazy older fucker🙂


I am the same no matter where I am. Why would I be less the honest and open in person than on line? I realize I am an odd duck.

@VictoriaNotes YIKES, how ever do you do it? I do understand, I am in eastern wa a much more conservative area but since I am single, retired, past menopause, play well alone and really don't give a fuck what christians think I do okay. I had a woman in the apartment complex ask me if I was religious, I told her 'Ya know god had nothing to do with religion don't you?' silence and then,' It's really none of your business what I believe." she has not brought it up since and still talks to me. On line I have to remember people lie. In person they'll do it to your face but most of the time my bullshit meter works pretty good.

@VictoriaNotes You have no idea how easy it is for me to get off track. lol and once ya get thru menopause all bets are off. The social shield sort of disappears.

@VictoriaNotes LMAO- they'd drum me outta town so fast!! I don't get in someones face unless they bring it on me. I am pretty low key but if you flat out ask me what I think I let 'er rip.

@VictoriaNote If you have a job and relationship and you don't want to leave town you have to get along. I think the christian faction is just less forgiving(is that the right word) to non-believers who come out.


I tend to be a very honest person in general, I don't use my personal details online, and I may be more inclined to jest, and many of my jests are taken seriously, but there is no intent to deceive.


I am equally open and honest anywhere and anytime I communicate


I chose other since I really can't answer yes or no. I don't know yet; I haven't really had online friends. I guess one could argue no right now, but I think I can't give a direct yes or no answer at the moment.


I was a computer user @2400 baud and ran my own small BBS so I knew early on how little privacy there is in a private conversation.

I am sometimes too open in person whereas I'm a bit reticent online unless it is someone I know fairly well.

On rare occasions, something will strike a nerve and I will overshare LOL


When on line in print, I tend to have a more measured response, proofing, editing, etc.
In person I'm more "in your face", atheist 2.0 style.


I'm less open online about most things. This shits collated.

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