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I recently asked a question about the morality of using gene therapy to correct diseases in the unborn in lieu of population overload.

I maintain that if science has the ability to correct a disease it should be done every time without exception. No child should need to face pain or illness for a lifetime when a cure is to be had.How would this be paid for via insurance which would have had to pay for treatment after the birth for a lifetime. What if they did not have insurance? Well there should be Universal National Health Insurance with a single payor for every individual. Health insurance should not be a profit industry and it was not for Blue Cross Blue Shield which everyone preferred before it went for profit. Health insurance should be a right and not an option!

What about overpopulation? A very difficult problem! Since food,resources and water wars loom over the horizon . A one child policy is not long off.Immigration restrictions will be imposed requiring populations to remain in their country of origin. Science will be called upon to find new food and water production methods to avert starvation and the lack of water.Re-education of cultures and religions where large religious families are the rule will be required. Contraception will need to be introduced , provided and used everywhere if the planet is to survive! When will this need to happen ? Now!!! Our grandchildren will be faced with these problems before 2050. If nothing is started now there will be mass starvations,lack of water and resources and wars over these things in the very near future. These factors should be discussed in the UN today and the urgency made aware to the other countries in the world.

Marine 8 Jan 22

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Just because they can, doesn't mean they should.

They problem with medical science is that there is a huge difference between surviving and living. Many adults and children survive illnesses and accidents but will never have a life.


We do not have the knowledge necessary for successful gene therapy. There have been suggestions to insert coded/tailored viruses and/or phages into developing fetuses to correct abnormalities. There has been deliberate population control already imposed outside the United States, and some without the knowledge of the people, thanks to the U.N. (Anti-fertility poisons added to "vaccines" ). The U.N. Should be banned. And there was also anti-fertility experiments done to Americans in the late 1990s.

Crispr is currently being used to eliminate some diseases using gene therapy. It also looks like many other diseases will be able to be treated in the near future. Water wars are currently in the USA and many other countries


If the parents are adamant about bringing that child to life then by all means I am pro gene editing so as to eliminate suffering of that kid, once born, and to give every chance to grow into a healthy adult. For overpopulation they should not only limit the number of children but alsogive mandatory courses for those who wish to pro-create and provide licenses for those that can grow responsible human beings that will take earth issues seriously and try to help alleviate issues instead of being an extra burden . Maybe that's taking it a bit far but that's how I feel.

Also they should not give that much freedom to religious groups that have disparagingly larger number of offspring than the rest of the population. Definitely more access to contraception and the appropriate education to remove the stigma associated with it as of now.

Of course all the points you make on your post are valid, if only more people would think of it that way we wouldn't be faced with those issues for the next generation

Thank you, I just wish people would leave religion and address these problems in stead of praying!!!


people have been saying everything you just said since the 1950s. no predictions of this type have come true.

Additionally, I have never been a big fan of eugenics.


Water wars in USA now and in other countries food is causing mass migrations in Africa this is the beginning right now


The problem with a one child policy is that some couples will feel forced into gender selection. They tried it in China, and they now have a huge gap in the availability of girls as boys are the preferred gender.

What I feel needs to be done is have mandatory family/child rearing classes in school. Too many people go into parenthood without knowing the pros and cons and are completely unprepared for the responsibility.

As for genetic manipulation.... it reminds me too much of Khan Noonien Singh of Star Trek. I know you are just talking about eradication of diseases and disabilities, but the possibility of it going towards making the "perfect" human is too great. I'm not sure if I would want that.

it is here like it or not !!!

it is here like it or not !!!

Really? Except for the science, I haven't seen any country advocating a one child family. Even China is backing off somewhat.

If you're talking about gene selection/repair; just because you can do it does not mean you should. That is what I'm afraid of with this; that it will be used to make a super human/eugenics.


I think you meant “in view of population overload”. But, how do you determine what is a disease? Is a potential for epigenetic expression of ADD or depression or LGBTQ identity something we should delete? What about the autistic spectrum? Should high functioning people with Aspergers Syndrome be removed from the gene pool? Are we anywhere intelligent or knowledgeable enough to begin this sort of eugenic process, except with conditions that we know will lead to fetal or child death?

crispr currently being used to address disease in the womb . I presented a few problems and yours are good ones also and i am sure there are many that we have missed but this will go on.


Scary stuff. Sounds like an apocalyptic view. I do believe in universal health care.

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