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QUESTION A sickness has infected the Catholic church in Scotland | Kevin McKenna | Opinion | The Guardian

A sickness has infected the Catholic church in Scotland which has left it vulnerable to the predations of a loud and implacable anti-Christian body in government and on Holyrood’s most influential committees. Those who insist on upholding the teachings of the church are set upon and wrongly accused of sexism and homophobia. We are one nation and many cultures apparently, but not if your culture is a traditionally Christian one. The absence of strong leadership in the Scottish church and its behavior over the scandal of sex abuse fuels the hostility of its opponents. It gives them hope that they are one step closer to their goal of creating an atheist totalitarian state.

zblaze 7 Jan 22

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the quicker the better it becomes an Athiest state.


A sickness was invented to the world, called Catholicism. But we should still approach believers with gentleness, except for the ones hiding and obstructing behind the priests.


Why would one want a totalitarian state of any ilk?


How is an "atheist totalitarian state" worse than a Catholic totalitarian state"? Sounds like more fear-mongering from the "poor" church!


How soon will it spread here? Can't wait.

gearl Level 8 Jan 22, 2018

And that's a bad thing how?

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