As a crisis counselor working at a crisis center, we also are a rape crisis center. We provide sexual assault victim advocates for those who are victims. I, being a male, cannot be a victim advocate. Come to think of it, I am not sure about transgender; I will talk to my supervisor about that.
Sexual assault is considered VERBAL AS WELL AS PHYSICAL in my state (North Carolina in the US), and most states do, if not all. To get resources or to help in the fight against sexual assault, you can find your state's coalition by googling "coalition against sexual assault in (STATE HERE)." There is also a national entity, and the link is []. I strongly suggest you getting connected with your state's entity for resources and supporting them.
Most rapes go unreported. I've had a friend, even a girlfriend, who have disclosed they have been molested at a young age. My friends, this is a huge problem in society, the root of many issues for those who are mentally ill, homeless, suicidal, etc.
This post is for awareness. If you'd like to share experiences you've had with sexually assault I encourage you if you are READY, WILLING and ABLE to do so. Know that there is a way to report anonymously.
If you are raped, call 911 and make sure you get a sexual assault evidence collection kit done as soon as possible to get justice. The more you wait, the harder it is to get justice. The process can be traumatizing by itself and a few causes some body pain.
If I am correct, they last around 30 minutes to an hour (take that with a grain of salt). You can skip a step at anytime.
Share your thoughts below. Be respectful and mindful of what you disclose.
This kind of assault is common. I hope the day comes when victims of criminal sexual conduct no longer are afraid to report or tell anyone because they fear people will treat them with hostility. Working in the social services, I have met or I have read the reports of rape victims who either told people - or they got "outed" by intrusive bullies - and they lost their jobs, their husbands, their family members, there church memberships - even had to relocate to escape harassment. I did an informal survey among my friends, acquaintances - I talked to 20 who suffered rape (definition - violence or a clear threat of violence). Five of them reported to police. Three of the five had their houses broken into middle of the night. The other two were grabbed when they waited for public transit late at night or early morning - going to or from their jobs. They were "virtuous victims". The others did not dare to report - they willingly got into a car or allowed someone into their home, thought they knew the men well enough to trust them. Others went to parties and drank alcohol, and so were terrified of being blamed and shamed. I know of a couple of suicides - victims who got rejected and insulted everywhere they turned.
Why can't men be sexual assault councilors? It's entirety possible for men to be raped too. Why can't there be males to council them if they need it? When I was raped by two women nobody believed me that I wasn't willing. I worried that if I reported it I'd be in trouble because one of them was still like 15.
I've dated several women who said that they had been raped, only one reported it to the police but didn't press charges.
I have spoken to at least 20 women who got raped. Five reported it. Those who did not take "the proper precautions" did not report. Also, this crime is very serious and harmful but terribly difficult to prove. Unless their is physical evidence, video, witnesses or a dozen people coming forward to accuse the same person .... what can you do?
@SusanHilde Not sure what you mean by, "the proper precautions"?
If all victims reported it as close as they could to it happening, that would be so much better. Even if there was no physical evidence, it would make it more likely that serial rapists would be caught more quickly as they would have a history of being reported, thus the victims would be more likely to be believed.
A couple of the people I dated who said they were raped also told me they didn't say no. They got scared and dissociated. Victims should loudly proclaim their lack of consent if they can.
Thanks for enlightening us. I never realized how commonplace rape and other types of sexual assault are in our society until fairly recently. I am curious is verbal sexual assault distinguished from other types of verbal speech or statements? I never had actually thought about that idea before.