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Cooked beets for the first time. Looks like a murder scene.

Even my hands are stained red. This evening I cooked raw beets for the first time. "Beets are messy," Karen said.

Cutting off the stems, red juice spurted out. Hungry, I cut the beets into quarters to cook faster. A bloody mess.

As beets boiled on the stove, the steam was red, spraying red drops across the stove. I laughed. What next?

"After the beets cool, it's easy to remove the peels with a paper towel."

Bullshit. I laboriously peeled slippery beet quarters with a carrot peeler. The kitchen looked like the scene of a bloody murder.

The cutting board survived after soaking in bleach water. My hands are a different story.

The beets were delicious.

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Every time I have cooked beets I have cut them up unpeeled and put them into cut up potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, spinach, and what ever else I had in the refrigerator. Worked out great until the next day when I thought I had kidney failure, then remembered the beets. Sorry if I am too gross.


If you have not heard of it I highly recommend the Instant Pot. It is an electronic pressure cooker that heats up to pressure, cooks to the time programmed, lets the pressure off and keeps food hot all automatically. I have had it over a year and really enjoy it. It is great for beets.


I haven't laughed soooooo hard in a long time. Thank you for sharing


Love your username. Glad you laughed. I did, too!


The bloody mess doesn't end with preparation. It also goes through your system and comes out looking bloody. We used to grow beets that were huge. They were a big staple of our diet. Now I only get the pickled kind from TJ's. There are yellow beets (but not as good). The greens are also great.


This confirms why I do not eat beets.


I love beets...but...the canned ones taste Exactly like ones you cook yourself, and if you place the colander in the sink to drain them, much less mess!

@PalacinkyPDX I have done side-by- side blind tastings with friends, Nobody could tell the difference....try it yourself, you will see. I am darned picky over what I eat, but something's are just urban myths......

@AnneWimsey boiled beets, maybe? I do not like canned beets, but I love fresh ones. Especially chioggias. I often eat that variety raw.


If someone made me beets, there might be a murder. ?


I love beets! They have an earthy flavor that my family says is the taste of dirt. Ha! Roast them with a drizzle of olive oil, salt & pepper. The greens are yummy too! Try the yellow beets, just as good without the crime scene.


Thanks for the tip! I'll look for yellow beets.


I abhor beets for the taste. You have provided another reason. Thanks for the warning!

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

they do leak!

but boiled? no, no, no! anything but that! try roasting them! boiling a vegetable is almost... well this is the wrong site to call something sacrilegious lol. but you get to keep the flavor and the vitamins if you cook them ANY other way. roasting is best but even microwaving beats (pun intended) boiling!

if they tasted good after boiling just IMAGINE how they would taste after roasting 🙂)



Thanks for the cooking tip. Next time, I'll try roasting beets.

@LiterateHiker you won't regret it! and mazel tov on being brave enough to deal with them to begin with!



Thanks, darling!


I love beets


I love beets, too.


Don't freak when you go potty now.


Are beets a laxative?

@LiterateHiker they can make it....... things change colour sometimes.

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