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TAROT Card reading

Has anyone here ever had a tarot reading? Did the reading help you clear up any issues or answer your questions?

MUGGLEborn 4 Sep 11

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Tarot card readings, huh? They're like a doorway to the mystical and unknown. I remember the first time I had a psychic reading – it was this mix of curiosity and excitement, like diving into a pool of cosmic insights. And you know what? Sometimes, those readings have this way of shining a light on things you didn't even realize were in the shadows.


Is it possible to make precise predictions online? Can you explain the process?


i have given tarot readings. the cards are not magic; they're just cards. however, they're designed to evoke... how shall i put it? not exactly empathy, and not psychic powers, for sure. just... intuition, that's it. intuition. a good tarot reader can use the cards (or pretty much anything, but the cards are nice and colorful and have universal symbols on them so they're particularly useful) to draw out the other person's feelings and concerns. as i say, the cards are not magic, the procedure isn't magic, and putting your faith in some kind of predictive quality to them, or ability to the reader, would be foolish and superstition. at worst they're interesting and fun (i think a lot of people who don't know what they're doing, or are not intuitive by nature, may use them as some kind of scam), but at best they are an interesting tool. think of them as a different kind (and application) of rorschach test (i am too lazy to look that up so i hope i spelled that right!)



yes, it confirmed its all a load of superstitious crap


Eh, kind of. They prompt me to look at an issue from different angles, and sometimes that does make a solution a bit easier.


Yes and no. I've done readings for myself and I had a friend who did readings also. It didn't clear anything up though. If anything, a reading will create more questions.


Yes and NO. I've had it done, used to do it myself all the time as a teenager as well. But no, it doesn't clear up anything. It's random and gives no real insight into anything. No different than vague astrology insights or cold reading by fake psychics.

If you want to try to clear up any issues, try meditation. Sitting quietly, without distraction, focusing on your life and current problems or issues with a clear mind, unburdened by anger or worry, can help more than people realize. It's not magic, just the human ability to utilize your mind.

....recently found out I come from a long line of witches. They practiced tarot along with other things like spell casting, etc. My great grandmother's grimoire talks about meditation but I can't seem to clear my mind enough to do it correctly.

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