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Tolerance Level

How far do you tolerate bible and religious quoters? At what point do you call them out and say enough of these nonsense? Do we really have the moral duty to reason with them even if they seem so locked in and can't be persuaded.

malayang-isipan 5 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I am indifferent to their silly notions.


it depends on what's at stake. you can't knock yourself out every time; the litter box has to be changed and one has to stay nourished and hydrated. one has to pick one's battles. how well do i know the person, what is the foolishness in response to if it's a response, to whom is it aimed, what kind of mood am i in, is it a day ending in "y," you know, stuff like that.



A life Atheist, there’ve been many times I simply couldn’t help myself.. Any more, I observe, listen, watch the expressions on the faces going by … and usually conclude, not only are they hopeless, but doing more damage to ‘their cause’ than I could attempting to rebut it.

Varn Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

I defriend and block all Trump/alt-right people on Facebook and this website.

If someone starts lecturing me about Christianity, I act bored, mumble "Um-hum..that's nice," then LEAVE and never contact them again. Or if they're around, I'm aloof and busy.

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