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Generation Gap

Do you see your generation as better, stronger, tougher than the one after or before you?

When I was a kid I always heard the "back in my day" from my parents/grandparents. People would complain about Gen X (my generation) being lazy, entitled etc.

Now I hear people constantly complaining about Millennials and Centennials being lazy, entitled, not as smart, etc.

Are we as humans really getting worse and worse or is it just a symptom of older generations not adapting to change well? Thoughts/comments?

Crimson67 8 Jan 23

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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I have mixed emotions about this. As far as technology, you all have it much easier but I would not want to be a young person with all the social media today. We witness so much bullying and body shaming its really sad.


"A Progeny Yet More Corrupt"
In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more


I am a Boomer and to me when I use "back in the day"... is about nostalgia... I had a great time in the last century. Don't know anything about millenials other that they have not lived yet. Gen X I never complained about then or now and the generation before boomers was the greatest generation they were in a World War and then again in Korea. If you measure a generation by its wars... The Greatest Generation is the Greatest. My generation was a rebel and experimented with drugs but was free and created many types of liberations... including sexual liberation and female liberation. We did many things without the benefit of the internet. Boomer generation was very irresponsible in many ways but it was part of being free. We showed the path to take for future generations to find their groove. Modern not necessary means better. I won't touch today's weed or drugs. Can't stand most of the music of this century. And the creation of "celebrities and personalities" out of untalented assholes well don't speak well for what is going on in the century. Don't see the toughness now days. Can't stand the comix hero culture. And the last dancing generation was Gen X.


I don’t get the, “why they’ll save us all”, on the cover?


I really think that Millennials, Centennials, or whatever they are called will see beyond a lot of the crap that is being shat upon us today from the old, orange stained goon squad currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I think this represents the last hurrah of old white male privilege, and I say this as a 52 year old white male who bridges the Baby Boom/Gen X cutoff. Do young people really care about race? Do they care about gay marriage? I think many of them see these as non-issues, as they are just a part of life, why worry aboyt who you love or what you look like. They have more pressing issues at hand, such as the destruction of the environment, the hoarding of money by the elite 1%, etc. There is already a stirring of a great wave of diversity in leadership coming. I am hopeful.


I have to agree that melenials are incredibly hard working. The issue that concerns me is a general lack of empathy


I am a tail end boomer, my parents were early boomers and seriously I think their generation were quite pathetic, theie parents went through 2 world wars and 2 major depressions and achieved a lot, all generations before achieved a lot, my generation brought personal computers, the internet etc. we also tried (and failed) to save the world from war, pollution, climate change. I would like to have lived in my great parents times I think, more opportunity, today I see little..


All generations go through those stages.. when I was younger... when will they grow up... they have no idea what its like.. etc. Technology has changed our ways of seeing the world. No one know that more than this generation and the one before that. But there are many that want to change the world and become something more so than their parents.


I came in at the tail end of what is called the "baby boomer" generation. Watched tv go from black and white to color, to cable, to satellite, to the internet. Went from corded phones with rotary dials to cell phones.
I watched Neil Armstrong climb out of a space ship and walk on the Moon.
The number of technological advances during the last 56 years, when you actually stop to think about all of them, is fairly mind-boggling.
I was 2 when Kennedy was assassinated. Saw footage from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, on the evening news. Watched the Watergate hearings and Nixon's resignation on live television. Watched the race riots, and Civil Rights marches. Watched Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy's funerals.
Was in high school during the 70s, and believe it or not, That 70s Show, got a lot of it right.
Saw a lot of the cool bands, too.
Also got my ass beat regularly by an alcoholic, authoritarian asshole with anger issues.
Watched a couple of classmates die. One from disease, one from suicide.
Am I better, stronger, or tougher, than any kid that's growing up now? Hell NO.
These kids are growing up and learning from their own time. It's not worse, or better, it's just
I used to hear older people complaining about kids and teenagers, when I was a kid and teenager. They bitched about the music we listened to, and the clothes we wore. They were positively scandalized over girls calling boys, and being "forward".
This is the way of the world. The kids coming up now are going through their own trials and tribulations. Hopefully, us older folks will be capable of passing on some of the wisdom we learned from those who came before us. It's the motherfucking Circle of Life.

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