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Public and private topic based chat rooms would be a good idea. With kick functiin for moderators. It's hard to follow or find a single conversation... A lot of what people want to talk about requires spontaneous response, not well formed, vocabulanarianistic arguments. Maybe topic of the day. Just site suggestions... Any one else think a goid idea? If these things are here somewhere, I can't find them...

Dreegle 4 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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...not to mention people are in different time zones!!


...seems hard to jump from topic to topic, even for smart people? I found that 'jumping' around, makes me feel like I am playing a game...with just a few more serious topics, envolved! This, may be the reason, so many people come and go, especially, if they are not seeking a relationship! May run into 'information overload!' Maybe, someone has a solution to that...? Never-the-less, I do get something good from it!


Yes, this thread exists. At the bottom of the categories list. It's called Site and Customer Service.


Admn is working on it. Might be ready by end of month.

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