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Why does the FDA take so long to protect us from bad drugs?

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well as everything in your country is money driven what do you expect gotta get some of the initial set up back at the very least


Because some Congressperson wants to pay for their summer cottage with the IPO burst.


because, ultimately, it's not the government's job.....and it's time that people stop relying on and believing that the government is here to help.

@FredTheBiped Clearly I meant the government is NOT here to help you make medical choices based on what is in YOUR best interest. Only the person involved can make choices for themselves.

@SkotlandSkye that is true in and of itself but ridiculous presented as to an answer to why the fda, whose job IS to decide what is safe and what is poisonous, doesn't do its job.


@genessa Obviously the FDA doesn't work because it's funded by the government with money stolen via taxes. Was that not abundantly clear in what I said? If you want an agency to actually be useful, then it needs privatized and they have to work under threat of getting fired if they don't perform to acceptable standards. Tell me exactly what is the motivation of the FDA to protect consumers? Can the agency lose their funding if they screw up? hahaha. No.

@SkotlandSkye STOLEN via taxes? oh i see, privatize everything so only those who can afford to pay get their roads fixed. taxes are not theft. how they're used is another story. and privatized companies don't fire their employees for not performing to standards acceptable to the customers, just for not performing to standards that make the company money. libertarians, FEH! hahaha to your whole concept, a big fat resounding sincere and hearty NO.



It seems that the FDA is more concerned with the companies profit than with the health of the population with regard to removing bad drugs. First of all it takes forever to get approval of a new drug but still we have many bad drugs on the market. I am confused?In addition the penalties for faked drug research does not seem to prevent these drugs from going to market. The CEO's need to be imprisoned
when fake research was provided.

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