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I remember hearing about this a while back. Just another country to scratch off the travel list unless that ever changes. Thought crimes are some of the stupidest and most childish things imaginable. It really only demonstrates how brittle your belief system is if it cannot stand up to scrutiny or opposing ideas, and you feel compelled to outlaw differing opinions.


When I first got here in November there were a few posters from Muslim countries. I do not see them now


Thanks. Reposted it on FB.


I saw this this the other day . I forget where I posted it though . I told Sacha , I think that's what she goes by ? from New Zealand about this, being that she said she went there a lot . She "Advised" me in so many words not to message her anymore . . . ? O K Sacha !

Dougy Level 7 Jan 25, 2018

Utterly ridiculous! Ummm, what century are we living in again?


It is the Egyptian religious who happen to be in position of power fearing the loss of membership of their religion which will reduce their poer and control over people and loss of income.


Fear and control of the masses. You loose that then you have free thinkers like us. Hmm... they're affraid they will have rebellion and loose control...

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