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Is intoxication ever an acceptable excuse for acting stupid/cheat.?

RaulPerez 7 Sep 21

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People who do stupid shit are people who do stupid shit. Drinking might be a factor but it is never an excuse. Lots of people can get drunk without cheating. If I go out and get drunk, I call my husband to get me home safely.


nope. who chose to drink (or whatever) after all?



no people always try and separate themselves into good me bad me and bad me will have a tragic story or a mitigating factor its just another way to try and not appear a shitty person


Intoxication is definitely an excuse. People do all sorts of stupid insane shit that they would NEVER do sober. Thats why people stop drinking. If you are doing unacceptable things drinking? Stop, if someone you know is? well? How much punishment do you want to take?


No. It is not. I am not a big drinker, but there have been times when intoxication has lowered my inhibitions. There has never been a time when it has changed my character.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 21, 2018

It's a reason but not really an excuse. If you know that you black out and do terrible things under the influence then continuing to indulge is just an indirect way of saying you want to continue to do terrible things.

I understand addiction is an illness and not in most cases a decision a person has much control over, but if I knew that I were raping and pillaging under the influence I would chain myself in a room somewhere such that I couldn't do that.


NO. The decision to alter one's sharpness is made while totally functional.
(well, for some, mostly, kind of, sort of functional ...)


When I was studying Addiction Studies in college, I learned that people who drink to e level where they will experience a blackout have been studied and tested, and even at that point they still know right from wrong. That is why drunk drivers now suffer more of the consequences of their actions.

Being in an altered state of consciousness does not excuse bad behavior. The person still knew they were doing wrong.


Generally speaking if someone acts like an ass after they’ve been drinking or they cheat on their spouse… They are generally an ass while sober and would cheat on their spouse anyway.

Too many people use alcohol as an excuse!


No it isn't. In fact I stopped drinking, not that i was a heavy one to start with, but had a situation, and still do to a point, where I know that with inhibitions lowered I may do something stupid. So I don't take the risk.


No, never. Do not let others blame their shitty choices on anyone or anything other than themselves. If someone lacks the discipline to stick true to a commitment, then that person isn't worth your time. Run, this won't be the last time this happens. It takes a lot more than a single lapse of judgement to cheat on a SO.


Nope. It might be a reason, never an acceptable excuse.


Absolutely not. Intoxication does not excuse bad behavior.

As an athletic, non-drinker, it is boring to be around stoned and drunk people. I refuse to be around a heavy drinker.


I think what goes on in a relationship is between the people involved in it. So if one decides to forgive and move forward, that's on them. Personally, I couldn't move past it. Acting stupid is one thing, but cheating is cheating is cheating.


It's hard not to act stupid when you're intoxicated. Especially if we're talking about alcohol. Your inhibitions are blunted when you're drunk, but that's not an excuse to cheat.


No. It could be classified as a reason, but never an excuse as you chose to become intoxicated at some level of your being.

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