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Many have placed blame on the military! Does the soldier or the politicians who put them in harms way deserve the criticism?

Marine 8 Jan 26

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Really? I don't think the Militrary has shouldered NEARLY enough blame for their role in the proliferation of violence across the globe.
"Support Our Troops"
Is the cry of both political parties... because they both proliferate war and nation building.
Nope... I can't respect the Military until they develop some Morality.
I Know one is just supposed to "Follow Orders" but that is where we justify evil actions. And I am saying NO to that. I feel very badly for how it must make those who served in good faith feel, but I can't in good conscience allow tacit support for the military to continue. I now feel I have to actively speak against it... until something changes.
So long as the Military does not have an independent ethos that honors the lives of foreign civilians... and refuses to accept any responsibility for the wake of destruction they create... I do not find it to be a respectable agency or profession. I'm very sorry. I do not feel that my vote or protest has been effective, so this is now the way I feel I might be useful... with a controversial opinion. If you have any family left in the Military, please encourage them to leave. If potential cadets see what a corrupt institution it is, maybe they won't enlist. I can only hope. Freedom is not provided by the Military... another lie we are fed. Freedom is a birth right... "security" is something different.

Wow. Where to start?
First, most of those that join are "kids" who lack the money or grades to go to they join for the GI Bill and a chance for free job training. What would you rather them do? Do you realize what our unemployment rate would be if the military wasn't an option?
Second, 90% of all military jobs will never see combat or harm "foreign civilians" in any manner. Do you really think a mechanic at a FOB is at fault? Or a dentist on a base? Or the soldier working in accounting? Chances are the x-ray technician at your hospital, the mechanic working on your car, or the pilot on your last commercial flight got their start and training in the military. Without the military, hundreds of thousands of people never would have been able to afford the training and experience that makes them successful as a civilian.
Finally, the orders start at the top. If you have an issue with the US Military and what happens in other countries....try changing things with your vote. You may want to check out the Libertarian Party. Also, no one is stopping you from running for office and getting's easy to actually takes work and dedication and sacrifices to change things.
In the meantime, support our troops...because they will be the skilled civilian workers of tomorrow that you will depend on. Also, while freedom is our birthright, I'm glad our troops have answered the call when assholes like Hitler have shown up on the world stage....

Forget the Libertarians as they are republicans in disquise. I have served in the military as a Marine and I can tell you the people who most opposed war are those who serve in the military. I have known many officers , generals etc and none of them wanted to go to war in any sense. War is a very serious thing , a very dirty thing that when our politicians and diplomats fail they cause a war to happen. Unfortunately after three wars, I hope the USA has learned that they are unable to nation build in our image. It just does not work if the people are not of the same mind.Culture, tradition, religion play more importantly in building a country than the desire for democracy.
The defense industry is also to blaime as they miss sales when there is peace.The connection between them and many who serve in our governemnt is the problem.They push for tanks,guns and planes to be sold to the military when the military does not even want them. I have known of big guns & vehicals being ordered when they were not even wanted some because they were not suitable for use. This is the waste that must be eliminated from the military.
The person who serves does so because they are ordered to do so and that is the oath they have taken. They should not be blamed for the horirble incidents of war. They are provided with these weapons as are the opposition who reigns down the same type of horror. Innocent people are always the brunt of the nasty results of war, Note no matter how much you might dislike war there has always been a war going on somewhere on the planet since the beginning of time. Humans do not know how to keep peace.

I like what you had to say there, Marine. I have many friends that are in or have been in the Military, and as you say, they are some of the folks that have the most to say about the failings of the Military. I have respect for the human in the uniform... I just don't respect the institutions or the actions taken by those institutions. I think many people join the Military for good personal reasons, Honor, Self-Sacrifice, the desire to Protect.... I sure can respect those personal attributes. Sadly, I think those are the things that are bing exploited to proliferate an abuse of the alleged "instrument". See... Here's the thing... I know we are taught not to question orders... but even though that is the lesson, we still have a choice to execute what we are told to do. I understand that a thinking soldier is a slow one, but I'd rather have a slow military machine, than one that didn't second guess itself and the orders it's given. I think the "ethos" of doing what you are told no matter what... comes out of the desire to be able to direct a group of people efficiently... I get it... it's about responsiveness. The problem is, "ask no questions, and follow orders" is being used to cover a lot of villainous activity!" ... Okay? This ain't new... we've been trying to vote war out of office for as long as I've been alive. We elect people who say they don't believe in war... yet we go anyway. Honestly, maybe we should try putting the authority in the hands of the people for awhile and see how that goes... I'm scared it might actually get worse if we do that... but we gotta try something because the present system doesn't work at all. "The people" do not have control over the Military... that simply isn't true so long as we live in this fake version of democracy (You want the puppet on the right or the puppet on the left? They both like war... btw). This means the humans that have the most choice as to what happens in the Military ... are the people serving in the Military. It's not about blame... It's about responsibility. It's the folks in the Military that actually have the choice and ability to say NO... sure, there might be a court martial or whatever... but where are our Ethics? It seems like everyone has some fancy reason why they are not the ones who have the power to take action... what happened to that sense of honor, self-sacrifice, and desire to protect? Out the window because some wrinkly asshole will bark at you if you don't do something you know is wrong? I think we'd be in bad shape if the Military collapsed all together, that isn't my desire. But something has to give... because the present structure ain't working. Not for civilians, not for the electorate they are charged with defending, and not for the soldiers themselves. Those who serve or have served have the best leverage to make a difference, by challenging martial authority.


put it this way the politician is generally older and wiser and not even close to the front while the macho nieve 20-year-olds die at the front. I think that says a lot. id be more inclined to fight for a man up front with me.

Like it or not society requires some form of government, laws,rules and the enforcement of the latter. For the government to work we require politicians which we elect. Very important is the phrase "we elect" Socrates stated that those who consider themselves to smart to take part in government will find themselves ruled by fools" If we do not like our politicians then we are to blame. We need to elect individuals who make decisions for the people and not for the best interests of corporations which means we must remove their money from the scene and have the people pay for elections! We need politicians who served in the military who understand the role of the soldier and combat. We need women who think differently than men to run for office. A sound combination of these people might provide more wisdom than a bunch of macho men who never experienced combat . The military is there to protect our nation from those who would harm us or take advantage of us, Our government is there to inform the military when to take action and must be directed by a wise government we elect. If you do not like the the actions of the military it is because you did not do your duty!.

mostly very true. they are a necessary evil


Of course the Politicians, but who puts them in office? Corporations. I blame Capitalism


Both, the politicians fail to resolve conflicts, but the universal soldier really is to blame, without him all this killing can't go on.Donovan?
I am a conscientious objector. I would make the worlds worst soldier, I cannot blindly follow orders. I know that is necessary for an army to be successful. What would have happened if the Nazis refused to follow orders? Could the holocaust have happened. We must all take responsibility for our own actions.


The politicians are always first and foremost to blame. They and the generals are the ones who make the decisions that put soldiers in the predicaments they get themselves in. My scorn is almost always pointed at them, save for the few instances where soldiers do something out of line that ends up causing trouble through no other part than their own.

I pity soldiers and the crap they have to put up with. I give them the same dignity I afford for any other normal human being, but I'm not much for that unwavering and unquestionable respect that some 'patriotic' folk like to demand. Veterans should be taken care of better for sure, it's a shame how disposable these people are treated.


The Politican who encourages the person to sign up for military service that is specifically for war, is first on my list! The politician deceives with 'serve your country and fight for our freedoms' and other incentives (if one survives), like education, healthcare and even a career in the military! Politicans (and others), glorify sacrificing family members for war...for our 'freedoms!' If a person should choose this route, he has a responsibility...if he must kill to protect self and others, that is one thing...but to kill just to be NOT ethically and morally right. I must give more of the responsibility to the politician, because he uses the ignorance of unevolved young people to do the biddings of the politician! If the civilian is forced to serve! Then all the weight falls on the politician!


Of course the soldiers are not to blame.


Is this even a question?

Our folks in uniform follow orders. The orders are often due in part to the overall foreign policy apparatus.

Do individuals make mistakes? Of course.

I've been watching the Ken Burns Vietnam series on PBS. I was born in 1960, so there was no draft by the time I was of age.

But to see how every president misunderstood the situation, from Truman to Nixon, is unbelievable. Of course, history has 20/20 hindsight.

To my knowledge, Kennedy is the only president in recent memory that actually saw "action" in war. Oh, wait. Of course, Poppy Bush got shot down in WWII.

Don't forget Ike in our lifetime. The military that served in Vietnam we Treated very very poorly and many became homeless because our government was not and still is not prepared to service those who have returned from combat. We are extremely poor at taking care of our veterans. There should not be a need for charities to help the vets it should be the government especially with the amount of waste among the army,navy Marines and air force.In addition we win a war and then rebuild what we destroyed which I cannot understand. If they were the enemy nothing changes after the war. Note: it is not the enlisted that are to blame for the waste rather politicians that vote for arms that none of these branches want or need.. I saw this first hand when I was in and nothing has changed. However MOST IMPORTANT NOW IS THE NEED FOR SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN TO RECIEVE THE CARE NECESSARY AFTER THEIR TERM IS OVER. IT IS NOT HAPPENING.PLEASE DO WHAT EVER YOU CAN TO CHANGE THIS POLICY! THANK YOU EVERYONE.

@Marine Duh. Of course. Don't know how I skipped over him. I know Carter served on a sub, but don't think it was in wartime.


The military is an instrument. It is the government who utilizes that instrument.


Depends. If the soldiers were drafted, or misled, they could be innocent, but if they started going beyond their duty to harm innocent people that would be a crime.
But it's all evil.
The leaders use lower status youth to keep them in power, by waging wars.

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