My code of ethics consists of allowing that people can live in the world they believe in. think it's okay to attack someone of a different sexuality? then when they beat your ass, you deserve it. Think it's okay to steal? then I'll rob you, no problem, no guilt. think it's okay to be an ass about your religious beliefs? great, then I don't have to respect you in telling you how ludicrous they are.
it works fine for me.
"Treat others as they treat me" -- it's a problem if they do something like shoot you,steal your girlfriend/boyfriend, or raise you to be a Christian fundamentalist.
Raul, you need to post a recent, clear photo of your face, write a profile, and answer the profile questions. I feel uncomfortable talking to a man who hides, and I might have to block you.
@RaulPerez Your face is covered up, you never wrote a profile or answered the profile questions. You are a could be anyone, and it's creepy.
@birdingnut he has 4 pics on his page and a tiny bio. It's not all that creepy.
@Melyeebee It needs to be readily seen from the main page at a glance without working hard and opening tiny photos..if I glance over and can't see a face, I don't like it. I've deleted dozens of men who won't post profiles or photos. I usually give them one warning, then delete.
I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. . . . you choose.
I think that there's a lot more variability in what things people like than there is in the things we don't like or don't want to happen to us. So I would turn this around. As a general principle I try to avoid doing things to people that I don't want done to me. After I know them better I can do the things that they want.
it is actually case by case. i start out with the intention of treating everyone with equal consideration. circumstances do not always permit me to continue along that path. i don't actually have a philosophy regarding this. i just try to be considerate without getting ridiculous. if a nazi was shooting at me i probably wouldn't refer to a personal philosophy.