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A check for honesty.

How honest are you in your conviction to the worldview you belong yourself?

Raham 3 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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what kind of question is that? you appear to assume both that everyone, or at least everyone here, has a discernible and inflexible worldview, and that everyone, or at least everyone here, provided that worldview is discernible, is dedicated to keeping it inflexible. how is learning and growing not honest?


It's just a question.

@Raham i was asking for an explanation of the aspects of it that baffled me. "it's just a question" is rather evasive. i thought my questions about your question were valid.


I answered on your question "how is learning and growing not ". I am still baffled by sorts of evidences you want to be on your table. hehe

@Raham no you didn't. you just said it's a question. that was no kind of answer at all. but don't worry about it. if you could have given a thoughtful answer you would have by now.



Honesty's not a word I use very often because it's tied to "truth..." Truth is a concept that we can seek, but can never really know... that's why we have science, and that's why our science changes all the time. I think of myself as trying to be integrous to those things I understand and that I seek to do no harm to others... and when I do... try to clean it up.

Yep, we err usually, but I can't conceive how we are seeking for truth in which you say, we can never know?


I think that is an impossible question to answer.

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