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OUTED? How did it change your path?

No matter what you were outed as, or came out as, how did it change your life?

erikgordon 4 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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In my case, it wasn't anything scandalous..I came out as a partial transmale without a sexual orientation (demisexual) to my siblings in 2014, as soon as I realized it, but they didn't even comment.

Then, this year, I came out as an agnostic, and one of them made a weak attempt at trying to change my mind, but since she's a liberal and doesn't even attend church, I just laughed it off.

But then three of my siblings came out as Trump supporters and I defriended/blocked them and haven't contacted them since.


I was more frightened of telling my family I was a non believer than I was if telling them I was queer. I am fortunate enough that my family are really supportive and loving. I did lose a few "friends" but I don't need those people in my life.


i have never been outed because i have never hidden anything of importance (yeah i've planned surprise parties; that doesn't count).


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