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Palestine or isreal

Who is from palestine or isreal

fdmadani 4 Sep 28

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oh i misread the question, read FOR instead of FROM. i'm an american. i have relatives in israel. i don't know them well. most of them i don't know at all. most of my relatives are in the united states, although i have a branch i don't know at ALL in south american.


i am a zionist. you know what a zionist is? not someone who believes israel can do no wrong. not someone who believes israel should dominate palestine. not someone who believes palestinians should not have a homeland. a zionist is someone who believes israel should exist. that's what it actually is. and that's what i believe: that israel should exist. i also think that by now the palestinians, regardless of history, need to have a homeland too, and a two-state solution is the only way to go. however, both countries have dreadful leadership right now. palestine's leadership still wants to blow israel to smithereens and furthermore kill all the jews in the world. israel's leadership is corrupt and inhumane. i do not think either leadership reflects the people of its respective nation.



I'm not from the area. I believe in a two-state solution. Anti-Zionist I visited both in my college days.

all respect

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