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So true.
I like the advice in the book, "The Rules," showing aggressive, male-trait women whose instinct is to pursue men, how to behave like a typical picky cis female.

They stay in the choosing mode, looking over their male suitor choices with a critical eye, leaving men to duke it out for her attention. For instance, women are advised to only accept dates made three days ahead, or else "you'd love to, but you already have plans!" thus teaching men to plan ahead if they want to see you.

You only talk about general subjects during early dates, end the dates first, only agree to meet for coffee for the first date, near your place, without revealing your address, etc. You only have sex with someone after you've become exclusive, you let the man buy you gifts and pay for dates, only buying them neutral, inexpensive gifts for their birthdays, if you're in a relationship, etc.

In other words, you let the predator males be predators and pursue the females, and don't turn the tables on them..prey chasing predator, or their instinct to run for it will cut in.

I used to follow these rules but they worked too well..I was always getting marriage proposals when I only wanted a fun pal for dancing and hiking. I am definitely a male-ish female, lacking many female instincts.


I agree that we must be happy being with ourselves, but I think there is another aspect that is very important. We must be secure enought within ourselves, to 'give ourself away,' in other words we must not be guarded...attempting to protect something known or unknown. That creates a kind of invisible wall...and people know something is wrong, but can't nail it down. Instead of digging deeper to find the problem, partners will attempt to escape, mentally and or physically! And, after that...more hurt is created that continues, to wall out the other partner. Then they give up and divorce. That is how I see it...


Most is so true. But where I live, there are numerous singles and no one avoids us and, in fact we are more sought after to volunteer as we don't have other commitments. It's a funny conundrum; when one resigns themselves to remaining single often someone comes along. So if one says I will find a partner by resigning myself, it doesn't work.

@sciteachmd Does resigning part sound familiar?

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