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Are you afraid of death?

Recently I discussed the concept of death with a dear person. I would like to know the community opinion on it.

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RaulPerez 7 Sep 29

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No. Death is part of life. Carpe diem!


I'll qualify my NO. Like anybody else I am not looking forward to any suffering and inconvenience that goes along with so many deaths. Good quote, Kathleen. I'm here today and am going to live it to the fullest even it it only means getting in firewood before the hurricane we are expecting this week in Az.


There are all levels of fear and apprehension. Seems like almost everyone would feel a little bit of apprehension, but if you mean deep dread, there’s no reason for that.


Suspect I'll be as I was before I was alive. To my knowledge, at that time, I wasn't afraid of being born


Only in the manner of how I die. I think burned to death would be most undesirable.

Yes,trapped in a burning vehicle after a serious car crash,not of your doing,would be a horrible way to die.

@Mike1947 Yes it would. So would drowning.

@Captain747ex The street races,between two(Usually) hot headed teen males,on who's cars's the fastest,had caused more deaths. T-bone collisions,on off in a ditch most times.

@Mike1947 That's a terrible way to go.


The dying part of the process gives me a bit of trepidation but there's nothing to worry about after that.

gearl Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

I do not fear death. Pain of dying (ie heart attack), yes, but death, no.


I'm more than a bit put out by it.


Not at all


I want to see the people I care about find happiness, then like yall I've got reservations about the process of dying. But death? I think about it a lot. I'm not scared of nothingness. I do wish I could see the world and cosmos through the ages with a conscious eye. Oh well.


Not afraid, but I really hate the idea of suffering beforehand or dying too young. For myself or anybody else.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

Not at all; I truly cannot understand how it scares people. For certain you are no longer there. So if you are not there, what are you missing? And I do believe my atoms will continue on while joining up with other systems and who knows , maybe this too will have a mind to listen too.

EMC2 Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

NO. I am afraid of the "unfinished business" that we all must face when death occurs. I want to be able to continue my goofy and mundane daily actions that give me a certain pleasure. When you die this is no longer possible.


Not my own.

JimG Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

I'm more afraid of aging and losing my independence than I am of death.

BD66 Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

Oh hell no. There are WAY worse tings than death.


I can't do much about it except live a life I believe to be healthy and avoid life disasters.


Wasn't afraid to come into the world why would I fear leaving it. Death is not something to fear just something to avoid for as long as possible.


It is coming and I cannot do a thing about it.

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