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I'm thinking about getting a tattoo, my first. I uploaded the picture I want to get. I love rhinos, so I chose this picture. My question is how do I find a good tattoo artist and where do you think I should put it on my body?

paul1967 8 Jan 28

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I once had an old retired Chief Petty officer who worked for me for awhile who had many tatoo’s and I remember one in particular very well. It was located just below his belly button and it said “USDA GRADE AAA MEAT. When he showed me that one I couldn’t keep from laughing my head off.


Also if you see someone with art you like on them? Ask! Seeing a finished product after healing is always good. - Remember to eat a good meal before you go for work. (Not kidding). I went hypoglycemic on my first tat. That wasn't embarrassing at all. - Be really sure this is the tat you want as well. - If you plan to do in black and white as the pic shows - also check artists who work in this medium. Good luck!

Another good idea.


It's a tree with giraffes... and birds.

Stand further back... 😉

@RavenCT. Oh.... look outside the box! Ok...i see


Ask around locally.

And I've suggested this to a few. Get some temporary tattoos that you like, and try out different locations for a few weeks. Examine how you feel seeing it there every day. How it blends with the kinds of clothes you wear.
If you're in the work world - think about locations that can easily be covered by clothing. Even though there should be no discrimination - it's out there ! And it can be very subtle. And you might be passed by in an interview, in deference to someone who has no visible tattoos.

Things to think on ...

That does sound like a great idea thank you


That picture is so cool!


I got my first tat a few years ago. Now have two. One is a custom piece and the other is Groot. (Surprise!). I found my artist by Googling and viewing samples of their work. Found stuff I liked and met with the guy. He did an awesome job of collaborating with me and helping to evolve my idea into something I think is pretty wonderful. I attached a pic of a pic of both which does neither of them justice.

Those are both very cool.My type of art too


I chose my shoulder blade for my first. Mistake. Go for somewhere fleshy where it doesn’t get a lot of sun. Also, ask around or if you see someone with some impressive ink, ask them. People love talking about their tats.


I chose my shoulder blade for my first. Mistake. Go for somewhere fleshy where it doesn’t get a lot of sun.


Do you mind my asking why? Your first, is this a joke? What happened to the rose?

The rose is tiny. This is going to be my first major tattoo that encompasses about half of my back. or possibly my shoulder and upper arm.

I agree with you that it wouldn't be a first if one already has a tattoo.

I am also curious how you knew he had a rose tattoo.

@BlueWave ...just psychic I guess! ? What concerns me much as I love Rhinos, isn't it going to be a 'heavy lift,' carrying one on your back into old age?

@Freedompath In other words, you don't want to answer as to how you know. Okay.

@BlueWave ...if I knew how I know so many things, I could/might be a genius (he, he). I blame it on some kind of energy field!?

@Freedompath Okay.

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