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What is law? Is it " to uphold the moral values of society" or is it "to prevent harm to others?"

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There is no surprise that each area is perceived differently by everyone. The same rule applies to the law. I think it's a little bit of both. Everything depends on the situation. I had some situations when I needed a lawyer. Not because I did something wrong. Instead, when you address a question to a higher public institution you do nothing without a lawyer. I'm glad I found, they always help me at any hour, even online. If they have your back, it's already better than was before.


its control


Laws encompass many domains, including the criminal code, business, civil, medical, etc. In general, our laws and our legal system is a form of societal engineering, which should, in my opinion, reflect the values of a society, not in a strict moral sense, but rather in line with priorities. Harm can likely never be prevented--reduced, perhaps, but not prevented. The legal system is never fully effective as a deterrent, as many, if not most, who commit crimes do not think they will get caught. But crime and punishment are the last resort. There are many points along the way where societal engineering may influence outcomes, and are the result of policies and programs, not laws.

Very nice


It is supposed to be to prevent harm.


laws are a way to protect people until the lawyers can take advantage of them.



It's intention is probably a bit of both, however, I suspect that the reality is to maintain the status quo and ensure that power stays with those with most to lose.


A little of both. But, It's supposed to protect people. Take for example gay marrige. Who is that protecting? Protecting the christian values.


laws are theoretically to ensure civil peace and safety, but bad lawmakers will persist in making bad laws for their own purposes,



IMO The question of what is moral is purely subjective. What is moral for one person in a particular situation might be immoral for someone else. There is no absolute standard.

Still, for society to work we need rules, and there have to be consequences for breaking those rules. Courts don’t deal in morality—they deal in laws and the punishment for breaking those laws.

Lawmakers sometimes create laws based on their personal ideas of morality, even when there is no victim. I am ashamed to say this but in my state sex toys and vibrators used in that way are illegal. Human attempts at justice are imperfect.


Good question. I think it should be the latter.


I'd like to think it's to prevent harm to others.


In the old world the church set about using law to uphold the moral values of society. At times it was cruel and oppressive in the manner it applied the laws. The way the church viewed any subject was based upon the their interpretation of the moral values and in so doing opposed many new or science related ideas. When they came to the New World they wanted to leave the church influence out of politics and that is why we have the separation of church and state in our Constitution. Fundamentalists today wish to christianity be the religion of the country. This should be opposed by both parties yet the republicans are seeking out their support. I believe laws are there to prevent harm to anyone.

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