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Has anyone here discussed this with any religious people you know? What were their reactions to it, not to mention all the homophobic theists but is this a good debate that proves anything?

mistymoon77 9 Jan 29

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Bible lies are too numerous to mention. ...Isaac Azimov published hundreds of pages correcting Genesis alone. . Even Yentl Barbara Streisand tells the movie audience how to improve unjust bible misogyny


and they both have belly buttons. religious people are unmoving mostly so not worth bothering with. we need to teach the young how to think and not groom them to make a change.

In the Middle Ages, painters who included belly buttons on either Adam or Eve will killed for Heresy.

I don't doubt it. and nipples?


I agree with @Dick_Martin but I would add that it's more than an emotional argument, it's an irrational, wishful, indoctrinated and personal argument. I don't think a rational counter to there beliefs matters to most people because many believe things that are so glaringly immoral and they do it with no hesitation. To them, anything that counters God is just evil and a manipulation of the divine no matter if it fits into reality better or not.


You silly doubters! Obviously God simply changed the chromosomes. Duh!
You realize, though, Eve wasn't Adam's first mate. That was Lilith, but wasn't sufficiently subservient or something. Sounds to me like Lilith was a mis-translation. It really WAS Adam and Steve!!! I KNEW it! 🙂 ...Love the picture, btw


Magic. And the bone was not a rib, it was his baculum (look it up). That is why we are "different" from other primates.

lol... that is a bit of new knowledge for me. Now how d I casually slip that into a conversation?


I’ll have to remember that.


Is there any point to a logical response to an emotional argument? Or the other way around? We have to find an emotional response for the emotional argument.

@icolan in other words you have no useful response to an emotional argument? Why would you choose that route? - it's so illogical.


It can make a difference only if Adam and Eve existed at all. Genesis is over rated as history.


Theists will just say their god can do anything it wants, no problem.

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