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Seems like as safe a place as any to ask this! Many men say they like a strong woman. But, in action, I have seen many slink away after initial attraction. I don't respect game playing, I.e., withholding interest or affection to keep a man hooked. But, honestly, is that what some/many men want? I hate to generalize, but the experience repeats! Is an attractive, confident woman who admits she likes you to easy? or scary?

Lydiaeli 6 Jan 29

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An attractive, confident woman who says/admits she is attracted to me too easy? Or scary. Neither. Just impossible.


I think that at present we are living in really weird times regarding relationships and gender identities, I am too old for any of that game playing and think that given the access to technology we are in reality living in a Post Truth Society and that isnt easily handled unless you are a 'born again gamer'.
The Russians have been there longer than us and a listlessness is upon many of them - without some sense of truth you drown in a swampy soup of 'whatever!' I refuse to own a mobile phone they are more addictive than anything I have ever seen.
So this is my attempt to think about how people are so conflicted about their roles , and how to be in the world and how to be with each other.


That depends on the individual's reaction, all people are similar, but different.
Everyone has certain qualities they find more attractive and ones they find unattractive. Heck, many people may only subconsciously identify their attraction to another.

Some men may want to feel dominant in the field(s) the woman has obviously become quite skilled in. While others might be looking for a counterpart whom they can assist with said fields, or just leave it to them.

Like many men still traditionally feel like the families provider, but I've seen many who would rather not work and have others provide for them.

So seriously, this comes down to the individual.

Being attractive and confident I doubt are your downfall, just what causes the type of men you find yourself attracted to, to fall down.


If you add smart to the mix then any woman with that combination is statistically unlikely to have much of a love life. That, they've done the research on.

But as for confident, yes that also scares a lot of men. Funniest thing I can ever remember was once propositioning a male friend I knew quite while we were both out at a band or something, poor bloke turned white as a sheet and said no. Anyway next day walking down the street he comes up to me looking very sheepish asking if he could possibly take that response back as he couldn't figure out why he'd responded that way and could I please just put it down to surprise. Ended up being friends with benefits for quite a while.

Kimba Level 7 Jan 30, 2018

At the risk of putting all men in the same category (yes, I know there are exceptions), men tend to be more intrigued by (want) what they can't have, or something they have to work for (chase). It is basic human nature. I'm not saying you should "play games." I'm just putting this out there as something to think about. Love is complicated. People are complicated. Some people make it look easy, but I have never found it to be easy. Not even a little bit.

Thanks for this comment. That's the internal battle I've been fighting inside for... 11 years? I've questioned almost everything I know to question about life and tradition since I left the rules of the church and have been finding my own place in the world. Of course I questioned gender roles, too - in many contexts. For romantic relationships, what I wished to be true has not matched up with the behavior I've seen from good men I care about. Even the enlightened feminists who like me for who I am seem to have a fight or flight mechanism that kicks in at times.

The life lesson that has served me best without being dogmatic is this: suffering comes from resisting life as it is. Radically accept life as it is, and only then do I have the calmness and wisdom to continue to forge my own path.

With great acknowledgement that this is a cis-normative, here goes! If primally the insemenators are wired to enjoy the chase, and the incubators are wired to seek comfort and security, then I can start by accepting that. And seek the enlightened ones who choose to not let those wirings run their choices like excuses.

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