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Somewhere along the line, I recall reading a postscript in one of Aldous Huxley's books, and I am unable to find it, although I am one hundred percent sure I recall correctly, that is, it was a postscript in one of Aldous Huxley's books. I just can't remember which book it was. Perhaps someone who reads this will know. So instead of being able to produce the said content, I am going to make an effort to reproduce it from what I remember, although I am sure it will not be completely accurate or very similar to the original . . . The closing part is the closest part of what I remember.
. Each generation attempts to build on an ideological framework, be it capitalism, socialism, communism. The government leadership usually adheres to one of these ideological forms, and rejects most other forms, in the process, alienating any nations that have disparate worlds of thought. This creates a climate of mistrust, a maligning of the opponent ideology, and often wars in the name of freedom, or the "morally right." Each group believes itself superior to the other, and, morally above the other. From generation to generation, these differences lead to both sides sacrificing their own sons and daughters on the altar of war to the phantom, unattainable, utopian ideological belief, that one day, some time in the distant future, mankind will have that ideological solution that they propose, and it will produce that utopian state that will forever be enthroned, immutable, and perfect. Each generation to this day believe it, and are compelled by their leaders to march into the abyss of perpetual war. Yet no utopian society could attain this, because change is inevitable, and even if a utopian society were to be molded, it would soon enough fall apart, simply due to the inevitable change.

Archeus_Lore 7 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I must blow the dust of my books, an re-read them, as well, memory not too good, but excellent quiz question!


I am pretty sure, as those below noted, that if must be either Brave New World, or BNW Revisited. I read BNW many years ago (just reread Doors Of Perception), so I don't remember it that well.


Sounds like a commentary on Brave New World.


ever heard of Google?


It is not a generational matter. All total system ideologies (those which purport to include and explain everything) are the products of minds which seek to find eternal truth and impose it on the unruly world. All such attempts inevitably fail, for they include false assumptions, built in as truths. And, with flawed underpinnings, each such ideological system eventually falls on its face.

Bu, with each total system ideology, there will be an elite of ideological purists who seek absolute power to ram their version of truth down the throats and minds of those who are so stupid that they cannot see "the truth.' That elite can take the form of a priestly cult, in the case of religion, or a dictatorship of the proletariat, as in communism. Whatever they are called, they are the ones seeking power, and control of minds and bodies.

We must fight such elites at all turns and with all our zeal and wisdom. But, we must also fight to educate people NOT to become "true believers" who escape from their freedom and who give over complete control to a flawed dogma and its purveyors and maintainers.


Put what you remember in a google search. Might come up with the book.


Perhaps the only true utopia is to be almost completely ignorant? I spent some time with a doctor, thirty years ago, who is now in charge of a medical college and hospital. She told me that she doesn't read newspapers or watch the news. I suppose that I believe her. Super happy and content working 24/7 within her professional bubble.


Out of this grew the idea to divide and conquer. While busy inthralled with the idea of utopia the Paul Wolfowitzes, Dick Cheneys, Jeff Sessions etc of the world are behind the scenes working on their agendas and pulling the strings of their puppets.


Brave New World perhaps?

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