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What are your thoughts on the quote?

AMGT 8 Jan 29

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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I disagree, depending on the situation.

If I calmly mention that someone (usually an alt-right guy) has said something that offends me-say mocking the handicapped, other races, the LGBTQ community, sexual slurs about women, etc, that means consequences could soon follow:

If it happened on Facebook, I'm about to block him
No more communication
If a dating prospect, I have just crossed him off my list, unless explanations and apologies are swift in coming.
If in the workplace, I might lodge a complaint, depending on how he responds to my objection.
If it happens in the street, I will narrow my eyes and walk away.

Absolutely. Context is everything.


I think there is a place for consideration and politeness. But there is also a recent tendency to not just get offended, but make a big deal out of getting offended and demand huge consequences etc. which is quite annoying.
Just be kind to each other everyone and if somebody is an arsehole, avoid them.


Ditto get a life believers I am an American Atheist not a cultist


Saying you are offended is just whining (IMHO).


I am offensive to many people..I relish it..their being offended means I exist..My existence mean I am being human gives me rights..I am exercizing my right to happiness..I am happily offensive..

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