Would you date someone who had weight loss surgery? Is there a limit on the amount of weight lost? When should someone disclose their WLS?
I know 2 people who have had weight loss surgery. Both are healthier, happier, and more active than before. These all seem like good things in a potential partner.
I haven’t voted as I’m not in the market for dating, but I am baffled by the question. Why would them having have had weight loss surgery have any bearing on whether you would date them or not?
Perhaps not knowing their past,might put the potential partner off from exploring feelings? Dunno,dating is a minefield;Political,social,like,dislikes,you name the subjct and there are pro's and con's.
My late wife considered the "Pouch" type surgery,but went with the stomach reduction surgery, where her stomach was reduced in size,unfortunately,she got Cee-Dif and needed hospitalization, as the medication ran out too quick,I believe in doing so,her lung cancer activated, taking her life in 2017,so make sure if you are considering any of these weight loss surgeries,your medication will last long enough.......
I suppose I may be missing some part of a bigger picture here, but that sort of thing is the farthest from my mind when I am deciding weather a person is a potential match. There are actually very few things that are deal breakers for me. Rape and in particular pedophilia are a strong no for me. So is anyone who abuses kids, animals, or the infirm. Or people who litter. Other than that any other scenario I can think of would be more of a case by case basis. In my experience it isn't usually so much the act as what went on behind the scenes that makes each person's story special.?
I dated a woman who had had bariatric surgery and excess skin removal surgery, and she was far happier than before. A friend of mine had it and is now modeling lingerie. Their happiness with the results is what counts. I wouldn’t want anyone to dismiss me as a date because of my weight or weight loss.
They’ve taken serious steps to improve their health. Like most things, they should disclose it early. If they’re following thier plan it affects all of meal choices. I’m a healthy eater and on board with that.
Probably not..that kind of surgery usually causes a lifetime of serious health issues.
But CBD oil has been found to curb appetites and make people lose unhealthy fat.
CBD oil, found in most health food stores, has the opposite effect of THC in cannabis oil - it suppresses the appetite.
It also increases the level of mitochondria in the body, thus thus causing the body to burn more calories.
It stimulates genes and proteins that break down fat cells, reducing the amount of new fat cells that are generated.
CBD oil changes white fatty tissue into beige/brown fatty tissue, which burns energy. Fatty tissue turns from white to brown when it’s cleansed of toxins. Without toxins for white fatty tissue to shield the organs from, there’s no need for it.
People can try different CBD oil dose sizes to find the desired effect on suppressing appetite. For some, 5 mg is fine for them, while others may need as much as 50 mg or more.
Link: [farma.health]
@BearUK LOL! Or you could just buy an inexpensive bottle and try it for yourself. It cures many things besides weight gain..just type in "CBD oil treats..."and type in any disease you wish, and likely you'll find pages of studies where CBD oil cured it. But, hey, go ahead and stay overweight for all I care.