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Should I expose a would be cheater?

I am in an open marriage. In my search for someone to date a woman has approached me seeking to cheat on her husband. Her reasoning is that she is sexually bored. I have no intention of helping her cheat. Should I let her husband know before he gets hurt?

wanderartist 4 Jan 30

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Hey, whatever, but that would make you an asshole in my book.


Noooope. Mind your business & stay out of it. Nobody needs that drama in their lives. The truth always comes out one way or another, so don't worry about him.


If they both are friends of yours they won't be after you rat her out. THAT said, I personally would love to be let in on the fact my spouse was cheating or looking to cheat. There's STD's out there and i don't like to see the innocent harmed any more than neccessary. JMO


Don't tell him. That's not your business. The rest is up to you.


No. He either already knows or will find it out shortly on his own. He will not hurt any less because you intervene. She may also go back home again on her own. Shopping around, doesn't always mean you buy something.


If it looks and smells like a pile of shit, do not step in it to test and see if you are right. Avoid it by walking a different path


I'd say remain quiet... unless the husband/partner specifically asks, then just be honest.

Statistically, over two thirds of people "cheat", but most maintain mostly happy relationships with their partners. Coming forward without having been asked will only insure the creation of problems in the relationship. If a person asks, then they know problems exist and are just trying to realize or get a handle on the extent of the problems and how bad things are.


It depends on the husband. How close of a friend? Is she being reckless? Is she a serial "flinger?"

My gut reaction is no.


Are you sure she's actually cheating? Just being in a relationship and having sex with others isn't cheating if she has permission.


I would want to know if there are any kids involved or anyone who would be hurt.

Otherwise I don't believe that people should belong to people. Do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone.

That includes her husband who might be upset to find out that he is sexually boring.

At this point we all have to assume we are sexually boring. The sex robots are coming!!!


You know the saying “shoot the messager”

ags2 Level 5 Jan 31, 2018

This is a time where you must exercise constraint, it has nothing to do with you,so mind your own business. There is always the possibility that the outcome could be disastrous and it will be on your shoulders. Given time, It could pass with no harm to anybody.


Nope, not your problem and you'll be seen as the bad guy. Not a wise move, just get with the next one.


There are many ways to expose her anonymously.

I do not know her or her husband. I was just going to find him and email him all the messages and pictures she sent me. She left a digital trail that was easy enough to follow.


I wouldn't but to each their own i guess?


I think it depends upon the specific situation. Will the person you tell be more harmed or hurt by the information, as well as the specific motives of the person who chooses to tell. For example, of someone is choosing to tell another simply to hurt them or be an evil birch and it isn't that petson's business or in the best interest of the individual being told, then no, keep quiet.


That is tough one...I think you should tell this woman, that she should tell her husband, what she is thinking and feeling on this matter! Because, this problem involves two people who are married. In this case, I can't see you stepping into this matter. Even worse, if he knows of your open marriage arrangement!


You should reverse it on her and sleep with the husband instead.

He would never see that coming!


No. This is between him and his wife. Getting involved will probably make you feel better inside, but in the long run, it will destroy a marriage.


Bad idea to get involved in either way. Avoid her and say nothing. If not, you'll be inviting unneeded drama and possible disaster into your life.


Mind your own and it wsnt come at you...


you might be surprised at the response


the cheating could already be underway. stay clear. wide load.


No, just walk away. Glad she let you know upfront. Would wonder how long before she went looking for more excitement.


NEVER get involved in another person's relationship or between people in an existing relationship!!! You will be the one who gets clobbered because it will play out one of two ways: 1) if she was really ready to be in any kind of relationship outside of her marriage, she would be honest with her husband and accept the consequences. Since she is not willing to do that, she is hedging her bet and keeping her husband in the dark, hoping he won't discover that she's cheating. Well, he will find out, because the spouse who is getting cheated on inevitably finds out, and when her marriage gets blown up in her face, she will use you as the scapegoat and you will wind up as collateral damage. And 2) once a cheater always a cheater. If she is willing to screw her husband over, she will do it to other people, including you. The very fact that she is willing to sneak around behind her husband's back shows a lack of integrity and honesty that should be a big red flag to you. Do NOT do ANYTHING to play marriage counselor and tell one spouse about the other, because it is you who will wind up being roadkill when she throws you under the bus.

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