34 4

Have you ever burned a bible?

I’ve burnt one before and I’ve also torn the pages out completely when I was about 16, after getting frustrated one night when I got to thinking about the kind of power and control it has over people. How you see your loved ones has being duped and all the destruction it has caused for mankind and keeping people living in fear with its disgusting teachings of eternal damnation. A gross device for manipulation.

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 31

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Yes! Quite a few actually!


I don't do this anymore, but in my younger, angrier days, I would throw the hotel room bible in the garbage.

EvanK Level 4 Jan 31, 2018

Nope. Not due to reverence, but because I couldn't be bothered to exert even that much. Simply dropped into the trash. Done and done.


I’ve thrown them in the trash before, but I don’t think I’ve burned one.


No, why should I? I got calefaction, bill is paid. I don't use them for target practice either but in case of emergency... bible is in the toilet.


I feel very similar to your feeling, its for one character striping and very manipulative , and very emotionally damaging


I would have to own one first lololol

I second that.

Lmfao I decided to read it from start to finish, just so I can see all the nasty things Christians leave out, but tend to want to leave in all the good things.

@EmeraldJewel yes, somehow, the good parts seem contaminated by the bad parts...


I never have but thanks for the idea. 🙂

Uh uh! Here I go planting seeds to give people horrific ideas. Lmfao!

@EmeraldJewel I am against book burning in general. Burning harmful bullshit like the bible, creation passed off as science, and the like seems ok to me. Especially to start a fire.



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