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What if we fed people instead of giving weapons to people that dismember journalists?

So they say 10 percent of the world is suffering chronic malnourishment and we are throwing away 1.3 billion tons of food, 1/3 of the world's food every year. What if we fed people instead of giving weapons to people that dismember journalists..What would that be like?

thinkwithme 7 Oct 21

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I might have misspoke, maybe it is potassium iodide??, hmm ......

Etre Level 7 Oct 22, 2018

Potassium iodide is for radiation exposure..


The powers that be see it as a method of population control. Like the introduction of Genetically modified foods in our food supply. There is an entire war being faught by farmers in several countries, as well as Scientist and Parents.
The Fight against Monsanto.

As our poles continue to shift and weather patterns continue to change, regional famine will grow. I believe Scientist expect the first famine wave to hit in 3 to 4 years.

Honestly I do not believe there is much that can be done.

A new study has been released stated GMO corn is the leading cause for cancer in the US. I have not checked the sources or had time to read.

2ndly the radio active elements released into the northern hemisphere by Fukushima will GREATLY increase the rate of Cancers in the US.

Atmospheric readings are around 1200 parts per million were as 30 is acceptable.

The Epa raised the amount of radioactive elements to be found in food by an extremely large amount.

So maybe that is why cancer rates increase every year. In 2014 there was 1 million new cases of cancer in the US.

Maybe its both.

Eat Heathly
Sodium Iodine
Sea Weed

Do not eat fish from Pacific.

I just made all of this up!!

Hunger could have been ended long ago.

Etre Level 7 Oct 22, 2018

careful with iodine..not too much, not to little


I think the stickler is in the how.. how do you convince enough people that it makes more sense then the current course.?

It probably doesn't take a lot of convincing to get a hungry person to take a meal. That is unless the person is afraid of being poisoned. Time and effort to repair and build trust

@thinkwithme "instead of giving weapons " and the second part?

@hippydog to people that dismember journalists..admitted there is still insanity to grapple with

@thinkwithme how do you stop that, i meant.

@hippydog Entirely? I don't know about entirely. We can help.There used to be a commonly used acronym HALT for hungry angry lonely tired..People make poorer decisions in those states. Doing things that assist people so they are not misled by those states of mind is going to make more reasonable healthy people. People maybe less crazy when they arent in fear of annihilation or starving and when their needs are met. We can distribute food. We can invite others to play nice. Practice everyday and get better at it. Teach people to cope and cooperate

@hippydog Vote!


...there’d be more people..

Varn Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

Poor people tend to have more not sure about that

@thinkwithme They'd still be poor.

@Varn Eating healthy food is a good start to not being poor! Also not being bombed! Theres always more to do


Republicans :"That's crazy talk!"

They should explain why they think that...

@thinkwithme The guys pulling the strings think that because they are making money off of it. The rank and file think that because they are told to think that, and then they are led in a chant of "lock he up", and "build that wall" ".


I like your idea but somewhere long the line a bunch of people would decide that with guns they could go get the food (and other stuff) of all those people that were being fed, and if the people did not like it they would kill them and take their stuff anyway.

Why would they take other peoples food if they already had food?

@thinkwithme GREED. Why do the top 1 percent want to buy another yacht with your healthcare?

@DenoPenno It's an illness


When women run USA, Russia , China , it may look like this. Unless the women are like sara Huckabee and sarah palin. We need women running on family issues.

I am all for women running. I think collaboration is what we need..

@thinkwithme I hope it doesnt turn them into the same assholes.


"We" actually corporate America don't "give" weapons to Saudi Arabia, between 2013 and 2017 we SOLD nine billions dollars in arms to Saudi Arabia. Currently (sadly) we are aiding them militarily.

Aiding or conspiring..

@thinkwithme Quoting you: "give" in the physical respect is defined as "freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to"

"Aiding or conspiring.." is not the definition of "give". If you intended to say "aiding or conspiring", say "aiding or conspiring."

@NoMagicCookie you can give something without asking something in return or you can give something with the expectation of something in return. You can interpret what I am referring to. No one thinks these weapons are being given without expectation of something in return as far as I can tell.

@thinkwithme In other words, as the dictionary definition for "give" includes "Freely" you are saying don't pay attention to the actual definition of the word but understand that I am trying to say something different.

You would be surprised how many people would read "give" and assign the actual definition to the word and incorrectly assume you were not factually inattentive.

Look at the number of tRump supporters that believe his "alternative" truth are factually based. Then ask yourself, If so many can accept things asserted as truth that are demonstrated with facts to lack merit, How can I expect people to assign a different definition to the words I use and just understand that I am trying to express an idea not supported by the actual definition of the words I use?

Sadly, I can assure you there are many on these pages that support faith over facts. Despite obvious examples to the contrary, Others on these pages consider Trump to be working for our (common man's) best interest.

When you assign "give" a different meaning for dramatic effect, you also call into question the integrity of your argument.

@NoMagicCookie I respect what seems to me to be your intent to promote clear communication. Probably the most frequent cause of conflict is one not understanding what the other is meaning to communicate. However, there is a second definition to give..
(2. cause or allow (someone or something) to have (something, especially something abstract); provide or supply with.) I was focusing on that these weapons are being supplied, not how those supplying the weapons are benefiting from the transactions. Maybe that is also important to discuss.

Thank you for recognizing the importance of clear communication. Using the actual definitions of words makes this a much easier task.

Yes, definition 2 is referring to "especially something abstract" I assume you were not trying to assert arms were an "abstract" concept. I really don't understand why you presented the second definition unless you are now actually trying to assert physical arms are an abstract concept?

As for providing food for the environmental and economical refugee population: your "10 percent of the world is suffering chronic malnourishment" As a thought experiment, provide that food, for one year. Now, what happens to the global population? What about their children what world will you leave them?


@NoMagicCookie especially not necessarily abstract..I am free to sell to you and I can also choose not to. So my choice to sell to you is something you have been given. The point is we understand each other..As for the concern of overpopulation, it is reported that families in poverty tend to have larger families. I was just watching this video..

It could be that reducing poverty and increasing education would lead to smaller families..

@thinkwithme You completely missed the point.

If you are not healthy (nourished) enough to live, you will die.
If you are dead, or profoundly maul-nourished, you will not have children.

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