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In this current political climate, can progressives be true friends with republicans? Asking for a friend

readyforfun2024 7 Oct 25

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This is difficult for some people. I have folks in my family that are republicans. We have agreed to not talk about politics. I have some friends that are republican, yet didn't vote for the orange anus. I can talk to these friends about current politics. I have other people that I know but don't quite consider them "friends" and they voted for the orange one. I do not talk politics with these people at all as it only goes from bad to worse with them. We all have choices to make in life about the people we want to hang with. I choose to hang with people who are not racist bigots mostly, so tend to stay away from trump voters/supporters.


I think what I find most distressing is that I'm learning what my friends have become 'okay' with. That makes me wonder if we were ever really "friends" in the first place.


I'm still friends with my conservative Republican friends but it is a little different than before. There's no doubt the current political climate has tainted the relationships a bit.......


It is more about who they voted for, that decides for me. There are some Democrats who voted for Trump, as did many republicans. Trump was/is so obviously a crooked, lying, mysoginistic, racist, snake oil salesman, that to cast a vote or support him, means that the person is all or some of those things as well.


Not all republicans are the same. So, yes.


What? All your interactions are about political themes?


Appears doubtful. Sounds like a magic 8 ball answer.

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