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Are we Becoming too Careful not to Offend any Group of People? –

Transgender MMA Fighter Breaks Skull of Her Female Opponent.


GuitarDoctor 7 Oct 25

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Political correctness is gradually taking over...

I definitely do think some things go way too far. You're a younger man. there used to be a time when political correctness was simply called being polite. The term political correctness is actually an extremely new one. I work with the public. If I chose to one day to not be polite to customers and call them racial slurs, make fun of them and talk about blow jobs and anal sex in front of children I would be fired immediately. trust me, I sure have been reported Enough by the anti PC crowd! That's the ONLY reason why I blocked many of them.

@Kojaksmom I wasn't referring to being polite though, but rather certain descriptive words that are being forced upon us, and if we choose not to comply we face being ostracized. I try to be polite to everyone, but if and when someone insists I use certain words to describe something that's where I draw the line. To play it safe, I usually just avoid posts that tend to lean in that direction.

@Kojaksmom We've become a society that's too afraid to offend anyone, that's what concerns me sometimes.

@SpikeTalon that's true. Sometimes that's the only way for people to grow is get some positive criticism.

@SpikeTalon another example is the upcoming holiday. Everyone is going to be offended by something. I'm absolutely certain that there are large numbers of African Americans that are not going to be offended if a white person dresses up as a black icon. I guess in our society the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I personally am not offended by any Halloween costume unless it's intended to be hateful and malicious.

@Kojaksmom Same here on the Halloween costumes.


I think (I have done no research on this -- so it is supposition, not history) that manners in society were there because showing respect to a stranger probably did not get you stabbed, beat up, or any other harm. Now (since the 60's - 70's ?) the police and laws make it a bad thing to punch out anyone for any reason. People learned they could be as rude as desire. Manners have all but disappeared due to many factors. This may be one of them.


Shitty timing with this post.


no. we're not. some people seem to think that when we're actually not bigoted, or when we try to be kind, we're just afraid of offending people. that's incorrect and it's a sad assessment of our behavior. there is nothing wrong with being kind and there certainly is nothing wrong with not being bigoted.



Looks like it missed one of its estrogen shots! probably shaved very closely before the fight too.


Wtf he shoudl not have been in the ring with her ....biology trumps someones mental health problems . Call yourself a fecking unicorn for all i care but when someone has to make shit up or force someone else to think a certain way then they are in the wrong . This has proven its gone to far

Oftentimes when males are turning themselves into females they are pumped up with female hormone. My thoughts if you're going to be a fighter, this is not beneficial for your career. In my opinion it is dangerous if that's going to be the case. massive amounts of estrogen will break down muscle tissue. If a female is turning herself into a male massive amounts of testosterones are given. This builds muscle tissue and causes extreme aggression.

@Kojaksmom he has had testosterone in his boffy ALL of his life his muscles and bones have had testosterone pumping through them for decades . A few years of Esterogen is not going to reverse that . Also his bone structure is different from his build to posture you can’t reverse them . Even his aponent said that she had never felt such brute force from any competitor!!

I'm not sure if there is any scientific data that supports what you say. There are some pretty dangerous looking men out there that are actually females because of hormone therapy. I'm not sure how that affects physical strength. The only difference in bone structure of males and females is that the male center of gravity is the shoulders and the female center of gravity is the hips.

@Kojaksmom 1) looks are deceiving 2) are any of them dominating. Physical sports of the gender they were not born into ??? I’ve also noticed the date of the article 2014 and realised that joe rogan has talked a lot about this fight on his podcast and he has said the same as me and he is an expert on MMA fighting a

@Simon1 it's something most people don't know very much about. I have read that most males who are turning themselves into females lose a tremendous amount of their physical strength. I'm not so confident we have all the facts. Look at female bodybuilding. It can't even come close to comparing to male bodybuilding. Hormones dictate the building of muscle. When women undergo sexual reassignment surgery they grow body hair, their facial features change, they begin to bulk up and build muscle, their voices deepen, their libido increases and they experience heightened aggression. I would assume very similar things happen when men are turning themselves into females. I find it hard to believe that men who are undergoing sexual reassignment surgery continue to be as strong and powerful after their bodies are flooded with female enhancing, and male suppressing hormones. There is also a chance that this man had a bone to pick with the transgender community, and was out to prove a point?

@Kojaksmom no he’s an mixed martial arts fanatic . Also there is a massively row at the moment over a transgender women who is lifting weights in the olympics she is destroying her competition which kind of goes against what you are saying about the estrogen making them weaker

@Simon1 like I said I've not really done any research on it. Perhaps we need to banned testicle protectors from female fighting. If it was me personally I would have kicked him in the balls

@Kojaksmom he’s had them chopped off another advantage !!!

@Simon1 well that means his body is producing even less male hormone I find it very suspect that I male would turn himself into a female and do something Macho like fighting. that to me is a bit unusual. I still think this whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. I guess we need a sexual reassignment surgeon with a lot of experience to explain this to us.

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