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Ticking Time

This could be a general hello, but I'm wondering if others think about time scampering by as the prospect of companionship dwindles?

CaptainHewy 2 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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"Scampering" is a perfect word to describe my dog playing with her squeaky tiger! If the largest part of companionship over the rest of my life consists of being around my dog playing with her (or his) toys, I guess I'm pretty cool with that. It's joyful and filled with laughter, with no random psychological punishments for someone else's unknowable assessment of my saying/doing the "wrong thing".


Yeah, but there's not really anything I can do about it, so...


At times I do, but then I'm confident enough in myself to know I'll do ok either way.

T'would be nice to have a solid partner though ...


Recently, as I’ve about stopped caring.. that’s gotten better. Needed to remind myself, I’ve done that … did pretty well, too. Now, it’s almost fun ‘wasting time!’

Varn Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

Yes, I think about it every day.

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