13 7

Eagles coach:
"I can only thank my lord and savior jesus christ."
Now two players have said, "glory be to god."

Good thing god was watching out for them.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Patriots. lol

Paul628 8 Feb 4

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I don't have a problem with what anyone says in their moment of triumph or their moment of defeat. Is their "mike time".

I didn't say they didn't have a right to say it, only that it's ridiculous.

@Paul628 And you couldn't stand them being ridiculous... lighten up bro... is their time not yours... let them be.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Don't tell me not to judge while you're judging me. Lighten up bro...

@Paul628 But you are judging them as ridiculous when they can not respond to you.

@GipsyOfNewSpain You win.

@Paul628 No, They did, and with a ring to prove it.


People are so nuts thanking god for their victory and the other teams failure.


Football is of more import than starving Kids to God then? I think I have issues with his grasp of God.


This is really news in stead of taking care of the world poverty,hunger,disease,wars,bias god is watching a football game. He and trumper must be great buddies!


Lol. Praise the lord the Eagles won! Lol.


I still want to see a coach blame god for a loss. "We would have won, but Jesus screwed us." or "I guess our fans just didn't pray hard enough."

JimG Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

I'm waiting on a player to credit satan for his victory and talent. Apparently "gawwwd" is more concerned with a uniquely American and insignificant game than he is the starvation of millions of children.

Even if one player said "thanks to the great coaches and training, we won".


I think thanking and crediting their god(s) is really a clumsy and ham-handed attempt at humility. It's mildly endearing that they even try. I still think it's stupid, though.

I find their attempt at humility laughable after they spent the previous two hours screaming and thumping their chests. 🙂

Humility? There's nothing humble in "I'm better than you because the creator of the entire universe, as well as everyone and everything in it, specifically chose to grant me special favor."


Yah it was a great game so I decided to watch the post game interviews. The players kept giving the credit to the man upstairs and crap like that. I thought of this group then, "no wonder so many of my fellow atheists seem to hate football.". It is annoying. Grown ass men going on about their imaginary friend. Oh well, they ain't talking when they're playing, and it's fun to watch.


You were not the only one who took notice. I always knew football was a religion for some! 😉


To paraphrase Sam Harris, while he was stating that children were dying because of many causation's.


I thought god was a patriot?



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