I am. I get scared when people drive me up Pikes Peak mountain. The edge of the mountain is like a foot from the car. One wrong turn, and we all fall down. I don't like being in tall buildings more than 4 stories high. I can't climb on high ladders either. Are you afraid of heights?
The like button isn't working for me again. I mean to like all your comments.
Mine does that a lot too.
@jayneonacobb I've told them 2x.
I'm not afraid of heights, but my body reacts in an illogical, panicy way that threatens to (and has) make me fall over, creates tiny tunnel vision, doubles my blood pressure, and makes me hyperventilate. But no, I am not cognitively afraid of heights.
I'm not afraid of heights; I'm afraid of falling.
I've been up Pikes Peak (lived in Colorado Springs for a year and a half). Personally, the alternative route down from Cave of the Winds is scarier. At least 25yrs ago you could look down and see the cars that didn't make it.
I've never been to the Cave of The Winds.
I'm pretty sure I've been to all the tourist traps there. Cave of the Winds is pretty, but it's a VERY long walk. The place I would like to see again is Garden of the Gods. That is awesome.
@kiramea I live in the GoG area.
It depends. When I was stationed in Turkey I would climb tall antennas at night in windstorms to get used to heights. I installed a lot of TV antennas and climbed a lot of roofs. I have driven over narrow roads in the mountains and it doesn't bother me. But watching shows about climbers on mountains or seeing some of the old documentaries about building tall structures makes my palms sweat.
@Stevil Want sweaty palms? look up Aex Honnold
@Stevil But a lot more dangerous.
No, I like the thrill, the threat of death, the mortality, it is liberating, confirmation of the weakness of animal tissue.
I can get that crossing the street or waking up on the morning! I don't need to go up anywhere.
Lol @EllenDale
It's not a thrill for me.
Definitely not for everyone. @Sarahroo29
I was at one point..then I got job where I had walk on duct work 60 feet up by climbing out of a cherry picker lift..it all comes down to trusting in yourself..
@Sarahroo29 yeah the 1st time I was shaking..
@Charlene I would never get that job. If it were me.
It was a good paying job..so yeah I took it..though they didn't say I would have to do that..
@Charlene Oh.
In my working days, I used train, certify, and re-certify people on those machines. I always had fun with them, sometimes going full-extension and circling around for the views. Some people were very reluctant, but if it was a job requirement, they had to go up.
I was for about 2 days when I was about 8 after I climbed to the top of a tree on a windy day. The branch snapped, I fell and bounced off one branch before landing on another. After I climbed the same tree up to the point where the branch broke, my fear subsided
One of my little brothers wants to be one of the idiots who race to the top. Someone dies there seemingly every year as one false move...
My little brother noticed my hesitation climbing so took that as his opportunity to outdo me. Grown, there were times he’d be helping on my house that I either couldn’t watch, or demanded that he come down. He would ~
I have a healthy respect for hieghts. I climb in Colorado and when I have to move through a section with significant exposure I definitely get nervous. I'm fine as long as I'm on a harness and believe my leader has safely secured the route though. I'm not experienced enough to lead climb.
I like hiking.
@Stevil me too.
Yes! I cannot stand roller coasters or tilt a whirls.
Same here.
I'm not. I respect heights but I don't fear it. Kinda like electricity and water. If you fear it, it'll get ya. Understand it and respect it and you'll be fine.
Spoken like a farmboy! I’d always get the job done, if tied off from two sides with special knots and a homemade harness.. But anytime I’d want to ‘test myself,’ I’d just look up … and if my knees didn’t begin to buckle, I was doing good!
Heights? No, not if I feel reasonably secure. Tall ladders, carnival rides, roller coasters, etc. I avoid. Helicopters, planes, gazing out the window of a tall building, driving over a very tall bridge, no problem. Rock climbing, it depends on the climb.
When I was 8 years old or so, I was looking down about 200-250 feet from atop a bluff at Rib Mountain State Park, near Wausau, WI. It was not necessary to climb to get there, but there was no railing or other sort of barrier. It is nothing compared to Pikes Peak, but I was a little kid and Granite Peak, (a.k.a. Rib Mountain,) is the second highest point in Wisconsin. So I'm looking down the longest drop I had ever seen, toes an inch or two from the edge. My elder sister, ever the jokester at the time, snuck up behind me, grabbed my shoulders, and simultaneously screamed, "DON'T FALL!!!!"
It took me about an hour to swallow my heart again and stop shaking. She never apologized or expressed any sort of remorse for that dangerous stunt. I blame my uneasiness about heights in certain situations on that incident.
I would've lost my S-t.
Yes, I am, and on one road trip out west, I had the thought that if I did the Angel's Landing hiking trail in Zion National Park, I'd cure myself of it. I'm not sure why I had that notion, but even though I completed the hike, it didn't cure me of my fear. I wonder why.
That's beautiful.
None for me, too much for my brain . No climbing for me.
I hate climbing.
No, not afraid of heights, per se, but I've noticed a curious thing lately when I watch certain videos of people in precarious places, or doing things like extreme sports in high places; I get a little verklempt. Some of the videos are of places and activities I've done myself, like skirting the edge of a 400' mesa on a mountainbike. Go figure.
Yes I have a fear of heights
I hate them.
@Sarahroo29 It's probably more problematic for you being in Colorado. No mountains where I'm at. It was more of an issue for me when I lived out west
@Rudy1962 Yes it is.
I am not scared of heights, but I have a healthy respect for the drop.
I never used to be, but from my mid-30s onwards I've become so.
I wish I wasn't.
Yup, I'm totally afraid of heights. Anything high enough that falling would hurt. Buildings, I'm ok with as long as I'm not looking out a window or thinking about it too much. Planes I've forced myself to get comfortable on.
I'm a chicken when it comes to mountains.
Yes, but usually when I'm not strapped in or when I don't have control. If I peer out over a roof I get dizzy. When I look straight up at a tall building I get dizzy. When it comes to roller coasters, I love it.
I think they said the only two fears most, if not all people are born with, are heights and loud noises.
...but is it a fear of heights, or getting hurt or killed from falling from a height?
I won't go on rides.
Justifiably so, I’ve always thunk I’d have panic attacks while cleaning my chimney 3 stories up … I’d lay on the roof feeling my hands sweat.. I remember being up the Calgary Tower ..and feeling it sway! Once chaperoning a middle school field trip ..pressed against the outside of another tower as the students nonchalantly stroled it’s deck, thinking damn - I’m totally worthless right now
...Gravity’s not a law you want to break
That depends. I was a pilot for many years, so altitude is not an issue. I've designed and built custom Ham antenna systems and that requires working at heights. However, when I have to come down from a roof on a ladder, there is some trepidation. I'm also intimidated by being on the edge of a cliff. About 15 years ago I began getting vertigo at times which eliminated motorcycles and aircraft. Because of this, I avoid heights too.