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LINK Fact Check: 14th Amendment On Citizenship Cannot Be Overwritten By Executive Order : NPR

He thinks he can change an inalienable right

gpatterson 5 Oct 31

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Paul Ryan 🌈, who is Speaker of The House, says it cant' be done too.


The kicker is people think he can't. Granted, while it might not hold up in the court system, it would take time to move through the process and in the interim he can and would do what he wanted. Much like people say "Cops can't do X...I have rights!" That's a load of BS. In the moment, cops can do whatever they want, shoot you unarmed, cart you off to jail, beat you to a pulp. Then after paying court fines, doctor fees, and put up a multi thousand dollar retainer for a lawyer...after about 5-10 years you might actually see a judgment in your favor (one that is paid for by the city/county, not by the individual - who by this time has probably quit to avoid negative entries in their service file by moving to another department, protected by the police union for life).


This may be his “October Surprize” …though weak.. Why doesn't he run this through his Republican Congress ..then on to his Republican Supreme Court to get rid of it? It’s original intention is no longer necessary, that of assuring the children of ‘newly freed’ slaves are/ were considered US citizens at birth.

Definitely an abused Amendment; too bad his puppeteers have weaponized & polarized politics to the point it couldn’t simply be abolished along with other antiquated laws...

Varn Level 8 Oct 31, 2018
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