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When did you start drinking coffee and why?

“I don’t like coffee,” I replied through my 30s. “I just like the smell. I ’m hyper enough as it is.”

When Starbucks opened its first small store in downtown Seattle in my 20s, I found it charming. Occasionally stopped by Starbucks for hot chocolate in the winter.

But at age 40, I developed a genetic sleep disorder. With a bouncy three-year-old, I discovered coffee made me feel happy in the morning! Now sipping coffee is a comforting morning ritual. I like dark coffee made with French roast coffee beans.

Love coffee ice cream. Add dark chocolate chunks and roasted almonds and I'm in heaven.

Surrounded by coffee purists, I don’t mind leftover coffee. A heretic. After doctoring it with sugar and milk, yesterday’s coffee tastes the same to me.

Starbucks 8-second rule springs to mind. Employees say it's to make them work faster.

In the winter, I lose my appetite during short, dark days. To gain weight, I add vanilla ice cream to my morning coffee.

"A tablespoon of ice cream won't make you gain weight," my friend Amy said. "Do what the rest of America does: eat the whole carton of ice cream in one sitting!"

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 31

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63 comments (26 - 50)

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I'm not sure, but I think when I was a teenager. Now coffee is one of my greatest pleasures -- good, strong, fresh coffee.


In th 1950s coffee in the U.S. was of low quality and did not taste good. I began drinking coffee in Berlin, Germany in 1960, at the age of 23, German coffee was much richer and more aromatic.


College. Because it's awesome.

"The Tuesday of the armistice dawned warm and rainy. Colonel Aureliano Buendía appeared in the kitchen before five o’clock and had his usual black coffee without sugar."

-One Hundred Years of Solitude-

Great book, another I need to reread.

@Condor5 Why I drink black coffee.

@KenChang, me too. I buy whole beans, usually dark roast, grind them in my grinder, and pour the water over the grounds in a single cup conical filter. Mmmmm! Filtered water, of course.

🙂 I am more basic. Whatever the coffee, whatever the water, and whatever the bitter taste. And caffeine of course.

@KenChang are you retired, Ken? If I wasn't retired, I likely wouldn't go to the trouble, either. But, I have the time, so...

@Condor5 Excellent! Congratulations!


Love "One Hundred Years of Solitude." I have most of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books. A great author.


Family consumes coffee from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM.


I started in high school, maybe 10th grade? We used to hang out drinking coffee at the pizza place near my school. I had lots of good times there. I started off with cream and sugar. Then a boyfriend got me to stop the sugar. I shouldn't have let him control me like that, but I'm glad to have avoided years of sugar in my coffee. I kept up adding cream for a long time but now I like it more cafe latte style with whole milk and no sugar.


I don't remember NOT drinking coffee, so it's been close to 60yrs.


I started drinking coffee when I was 18 and working in a factory, mainly because everybody else did. Although when I was about 3 or 4, I had a babysitter who always drank coffee, and she would give me what she called coffee-milk. Coffee with tons of milk and sugar.


I don’t drink coffee at all. Starbucks hot chocolate is yummy for an occasional treat.


I started drinking☕ coffee from working jobs in an office and hospital bc it was constantly there and I got influenced. But I know it's bad, the caffeine and sugar. Idk that it really helped any.

Jaed Level 5 Oct 31, 2018

Ohh coffee, one of the loves of my life. I feel like my music teacher in secondary school (around age 13) had a part in my early tinkering with coffee. We used to practice the drums, left had one tap, we would say Tea, right hand two taps we would say coffee.. Tea - co-ffee , Tea - co-ffee , Tea - co-ffee .. and so on. It was like a mantra ? This week I have bee introduced to Maple coffee .. it's so good, always searching for new coffee. Macchiato is ??


I've probably related this story before, but here goes; when I was growing up, around the age of 8, a family moved in across the street that had 3 boys, all within 2 yrs of my age. The mother, a very bright woman, was an avid coffee drinker. A few short years after the Breaux (pronounced bro) family moved in, I was practically part of that family as well as my own. I was over there often, mostly goofing with the boys, though I greatly enjoyed talking to Winnie, the mother, also. I don't recall ever discussing the topic with her, but I'm certain she was an atheist.

But, I digress. It seems like I was probably around 12, maybe 13, when Winnie got a restaurant-style coffee machine. Basically, all that was needed to "make" coffee, was to remove the depleted coffee grounds once the coffee got too weak, and add fresh grounds. The machine, if I recall properly, was plumbed into the main water system, and all one had to do to get a fresh cup was to push a button. It was the ultimate in convenience. That was the birthing of my coffee habit which rose to 5-6 cups/day during my working years. Since retirement, I'm at 1-2 cups/day, and sleeping better, I might add. So, there you have it.


I was the same way--i liked the smell far more than the taste. Then my now ex-gf introduced me to mocha frappuchinos about 10 years ago and I was hooked. Then it spread to other ways of drinking coffee. It's a good pick-me-up when I'm feeling especially narcoleptic, but it's not too kind to my insides, so I don't have it very often any more.


Put 1/2 & 1/2 in it. You'll gain weight ?
I started trying @ 12 because the scent reminded me of my Dad. Don't think I became a habitual drinker until mid 20's though. I have to make it taste almost like a yoohoo though. I've tried many times to drink it black but have never been able to; am envious of those who can.
That said I wish I weren't addicted to it. To add insult to injury my pallete is now ruined on Starbucks iced coffee or Lavazza in a can.
I'm hooked on the concoction of mine that is adding turbinado sugar, letting it float to the bottom and having "crunchy coffee".
Oh and for dog's sake, with hot coffee, adding Mexican piloncillo sugar... HFS that's wicked good stuff.


I don't like cream. It makes me sick to my stomach. No cream-based soups for me!

Instead I use nonfat, organic milk.

@LiterateHiker Understandable. I've had bouts of lactose intolerance in my life.


Though I tasted it when I was younger (my mother used to let me have an occasional "coffee-milk" - a glass of milk with a few spoonfuls of her coffee mixed in), I didn't start drinking it regularly until college when I had to burn the midnight oil studying or get myself awake for an early class. Ironically my very first job (besides baby-sitting) was working in a coffee and tea store - we didn't sell it to drink, it was all specialty coffees that were roasted in-store and custom ground, and I'd leave at the end of the day with the fresh-roasted aroma permeating my clothes, hair, and skin - but I didn't start drinking it regularly until I started college the following fall. And when I finally got around to trying the stuff from the store, oh boy was it strong!


I'm not a coffee drinker at all. I do like various teas, though, mostly herbals (Bengal Spice, rooibos, peppermint, chai spice, roasted dandelion root, cinnamon apple spice, orange spice, ginger root, etc.) but I drink Earl Grey from time to time also. I will drink plain black tea or green tea if it's all that's available, but those aren't my preference.


As an Australian, I started drinking coffe in my late teens. Australias ‘traditional’ immigrants of the time included Italians, so there were cappuccinos, lattes, flat whites and espresso shots to be found everywhere. When I started living in the states, the only coffee I could find was drip or instant. So, when Starbucks came into existance, I was an instant patron. I love me some flat whites or lattes as often as I can afford them, because at $4-5 a drink, you need to take out a bank loan to afford them on a daily basis! ?


Coffee over ice cream is the Italian dessert affogato

GwenC Level 7 Oct 31, 2018

I was introduced to espresso at a young age, 10 or 11, I actually liked it from the start. My Italian grandpa (even spoke broken English) turned me on to it in the form of a cappuccino.


I tried it for the first time a few years ago. Growing up Mormon, I felt guilty walking past the coffee in the grocery store because it smelled soooo good. When I left the church, I started trying all the stuff I'd passed over all those years. Ironically, my first taste of coffee was at a Christian Church I attended for a while. It was Folger's with powdered creamer and sugar. I hated it.

My friend later made me a carmel macchiato so I knew not all coffee was bad but I didn't take up drinking it regularly until I tried a cup during a road trip. I hadn't really noticed it's affect on me until then but it perked me right up. I use it now for days when I need energy or when I have a migraine. So pretty much every day. I learned to like it pretty quickly and now I love it.


I live on coffee . Has always been a point of gathering and talking in our household when growing up , coffee time means " what's going on , what's up ", and let's sit down for few . I start drinking it regularly when 15 yr old , and through the years I had to cut back on strength and quantity , coffee does contribute on arrhythmias and heart palpitations .
I drink frozen coffee all day long , I make and I put on mug and comes w me everywhere I go ?
After dinner thou , on nights off , will make a double esspresso every time . I do walk on seilings ?
I have tried American coffee at restaurants and such and tried very hard to like it . It's never strong enough for me , just never ?


I started drinking coffee when I got my first full-time job after graduating college. (I’d worked part time since I was 14, drove a taxi in NYC nights & weekends my last two years in college, and never had the desire/taste for coffee.) The job was walking distance from my apartment. On my first day, I passed the coffee shop and decided to be like all the other workers and drop in. I ordered a buttered hard roll and coffee, light and sweet. I liked it right away, and drank it that way for a few years. Then I decided sugar than and milk weren’t good for my waist or health so I switched to black coffee. Been nking strong black coffee ever since; I prefer French roast. A day hardly passes when I don’t begin with two with three cups fist thing in the morning.

Gosh, rereading this makes it sound pretty boring. But you asked 🙂


Age 6 (1951). We used to have a dairy farm, and I was raised on raw milk. After Dad sold the cows and started working for a construction company, Mother started serving us reconstituted powdered milk, which made me nauseous. I started drinking coffee, creamed with canned milk, no sugar.


Heretic? I drink Aldi brand instant. It gets the job done.


LOL! (to your ice cream comments) My story is that my first taste of coffee was at age 16 while at a business meeting with my dad where we (and others) were being pitched on some brand of shock absorber by a corporate rep in a large warehouse conference room. There was coffee and donuts. My dad asked me if I wanted some coffee and I said sure. He asked how I wanted it. I said "the same way you take it." (with cream and sugar). It looked and tasted like mud. LOL! I didn't touch the stuff again until I was in my early thirties and stopped with my GF at the time at a diner on our way up to Lake Tahoe. I don't know why I ordered it. Maybe I just said yes to the offer by the waitress. Or maybe it was chilly out and it just sounded good. For whatever reason, I did it, and I liked it. I have been taking it black ever since and have acquired a strong preference for Starbucks (or other brand) French Roast.

I consume about 2/3 of a pot each day. More on weekends. LOL! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


It has been the greatest buster to fight diabetes bringing me down (feel tired). Coffee crank the engine and keeps me running. That's my plan, coffee up and pedal to the metal every day until the heart attack send me off with flying colors !!

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