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When did you start drinking coffee and why?

“I don’t like coffee,” I replied through my 30s. “I just like the smell. I ’m hyper enough as it is.”

When Starbucks opened its first small store in downtown Seattle in my 20s, I found it charming. Occasionally stopped by Starbucks for hot chocolate in the winter.

But at age 40, I developed a genetic sleep disorder. With a bouncy three-year-old, I discovered coffee made me feel happy in the morning! Now sipping coffee is a comforting morning ritual. I like dark coffee made with French roast coffee beans.

Love coffee ice cream. Add dark chocolate chunks and roasted almonds and I'm in heaven.

Surrounded by coffee purists, I don’t mind leftover coffee. A heretic. After doctoring it with sugar and milk, yesterday’s coffee tastes the same to me.

Starbucks 8-second rule springs to mind. Employees say it's to make them work faster.

In the winter, I lose my appetite during short, dark days. To gain weight, I add vanilla ice cream to my morning coffee.

"A tablespoon of ice cream won't make you gain weight," my friend Amy said. "Do what the rest of America does: eat the whole carton of ice cream in one sitting!"

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 31

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At University, had to work nights to pay my tuition.


I never started drinking coffee. I'm already hyper enough off to Mt. Dew.


In high school. I was working 6 nights a week and getting up for school.


I lived with my grandmother for a while when I was a kid.
I can always remember that smell waking up.
Back then they used a percolator, I don't know if any one uses those any more.
Any way, I tried a cup, with cream, ( no sugar, I hate the taste of it). I thought is was really good.
Been a coffee drinker ever since.


When I started college. I drink it black most of the time.

Marz Level 7 Oct 31, 2018


Does black coffee put hair on your chest? Kidding.

@LiterateHiker I get flavored coffee. I try to limit my sugar intake.


Don't you know ice cream only comes in a single serving may be large, but it is still a single serving.


Years ago I started dating a waitress that worked nights. Now I drink coffee, I don't know what happened to her.


Every summer during my high school years I went off to a childrens summer camp as a counselor. Those summers I lived on black coffee. I didnt like it, but needed the boost to keep up with 1st through 6th graders. I've been drinking it ever since, but in my 20s I doctored it up for a better flavor. Love my vanilla. Lol


Your first sentence was me until about 6 years ago (58 years old) I started drinking coffee to help curb my appetite, I also started rock climbing. I lost 40 pounds that year. The doctor said it was "the new girlfriend, endorphins help you lose weight".


Never .


i started drinking coffee when i began my second full-time job, as a switchboard operator for a d.c. saving and loan association. we got 15-minute coffee breaks and there was nothing i could do during them BUT drink coffee. i soon found out that one cup was wonderful and two cups gave me what later were identified as severe migraines.



..never… Coffee was for grownups! It’s an instant high for me, but I've never owned a caffeine (what I actually refer to it as) pot. I do love it’s taste, and will crunch caffeine beans just for the flavor, then the buzz.

Varn Level 8 Oct 31, 2018

I can't exactly remember when I drank coffee for the first time but I was probably around 10-12 years old. It never became a habit for me. I saw that both my parents needed to drink coffee in the morning and thought it was weird that people needed something to drink to wake them up. As long as I get out of bed, I've never had a problem staying awake in the morning. Also the cost adds up over time, so I avoid it.

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